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Daily Devotional

Daily Devotion and Bible Verse – Matthew 6:33

Bible Verse seeking God

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33 BOOKS)

What is the most important thing for you right now? Is it getting the right job when you get out of school? Or getting asked to the school’s dance by your crush? There are lots of things in life that are taking up our time and attention.

This Bible verse gives us a challenge. It challenges us to seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness first. It’s challenging us to lay aside all the other worries, cares and put God first in our lives.

[Tweet “All the other concerns of life will work themselves out if we put God first! – @studentdevos”]

If we put God first in our lives as this verse tells us to do, then all the other stuff we are concerned with will be taken care of. This is good news for us. We don’t have to spend lots of time worrying about all the concerns of life. If we make God our concern then all the other things will work themselves out.

Pray: God I ask you to help me find ways to put you first this year. Help me to make spending time with you a priority in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Devotion and Bible Verse – 2 Cor 5:7

Teen Devotion 2Cor 5:7

Indeed, our lives are guided by faith, not by sight. – 2 Cor 5:7

Too often we a guided by what we feel and what we see. We look at how much money we have, how we feel when we wake up, or what we see going on around us. We allow these things to determine how we live our life, our decisions, and ultimately our happiness.

However, this verse challenges us to live differently. It challenges us to not live our lives based only on what we see going on around us, but rather to let our lives be guided by our faith in Jesus. When we let what Jesus says in the Bible guide our life we can experience true peace because our lives are guided by something that is stable and unchanging.

So today, regardless of what you see around you, choose to believe that God is working on your situation. You can know that regardless of what you see, God is good and you’re going to be all right.

Today’s Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Ephesians 4:28

Teen Daily Bible Verse

The thief must no longer steal. Instead, he must do honest work with his own hands, so that he has something to share with anyone in need.
Ephesians 4:28 (Holman)

As a student, you might not have a job. Even if you don’t, there is still something that you can do to earn some income.

Maybe you could babysit. Perhaps you could use a lawnmower and mow lawns, or grab a shovel and shovel driveways when it snows. Whatever it is, there’s something you can do to earn a little money.

Then instead of using all that money to buy some new shoes or go to the newest move, think what you could do with part of that money to be a blessing and help to someone else?

There might be someone at school that doesn’t have enough money for decent clothes, you could help get them some. There might be a homeless shelter near you, you could give to that. Or you might begin to give money to a cause at your church. This list can go on and on.

Today you can grow into the true joy of having money. This comes from learning to resist being a moocher and becoming a giver! Pray today that God would help get you a job or an idea of how to make money so that you’ll continually have some to give when a worthy need arises around you.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – September 18

Daily Bible Verse - Romans 8:1

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” – Romans 8:1 (NIV)

When you receive Jesus, spiritually you are placed into Him. Everyday God now sees you through Jesus’ sacrifice. Because of that, there is nothing left for God to condemn you over. Yes, you might mess up and sin. And yes, you should want to live in a way that is pleasing to God. However, despite your short comings, you do not lose this wonderful position that only God could provide. You have been placed in Jesus.

So don’t give into the thoughts that tell you that you’re not enough or don’t measure up. Regardless of what others may say about you, the truth is that in Jesus you are not condemned. You’ve been made righteous and you are equipped to do what God has called you to do.

Today you can relax in the fact that you’re not condemned if you’ve trusted in Christ Jesus. You’re free and loved and God wants to use you to help others know this great truth.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – December 6

Daily Bible Verse and devotion on being faithful

“And if you have not been faithful in that which is another’s, who will give you that which is your own?”

– Luke 16:12 (ESV)

You might want to do something awesome for God but you’re waiting on Him to put it together for you. And while, it’s always good to get God’s timing on things, today’s Bible verse challenges us to do something else while we’re waiting.

This verse is saying that a first step is to serve another person’s dream. Get involved in helping someone else reach their potential. As you are faithful in the small things, you’ll see that God will advance your steps little by little.

As you learn to give and be a blessing with the money you have you’ll see that God trusts you with more. So choose today to live your life differently. Determine to start being faithful today with the small things and realize that God will take care of your future.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – October 5

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion on Fear

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. – 2 Timothy 1:7

How many times have you been afraid to do something? Maybe you wanted to tell your friend about Jesus but you chickened out. Or maybe you wanted to step out and go to the college you felt God told you to go to, but are afraid because its far away from home.

Fear comes to us in many different ways, but its important when you’re faced with a scary situation to remember what today’s Bible verse says. It lets us know that fear isn’t from God. God hasn’t given us fear, so we don’t need to be afraid.

[Tweet “God hasn’t given us fear, so we have no reason to be afraid. – @studentdevos”]

Instead of fear God gave us power, love and self-discipline. So the next time you’re feeling afraid, remember what this verse says. Choose to not be afraid but to trust in God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – September 12

Daily Bible verse and devotionThen he said to me, “This is what the LORD says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. -Zechariah 4:6

If you want to live a truly God empowered life, you’ve got to stop living in your own strength. Living a God empowered life is all about letting God’s Spirit give you the victory you need. When you choose to lean on God for His help, you experience peace and rest.

Life is always going to bring difficult situations and experiences. In those times, it’s important to learn to lean on and trust God for help. Trusting God is really hard sometimes. It’s difficult to let go and really trust God. Learning to trust God, however always brings good results in your life.

So today as you’re facing difficult situations and decisions remember that you can rely on God’s help to be a success. God will help and empower you for anything you face.