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Daily Devotional

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Galatians 5:14

For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Galatians 5:14

I remember taking a class one semester that was a study of books. Some of the books we had to read were really complicated. There were times when I was reading, and I just didn’t really understand the plot of the book. I wasn’t trying to cheat or anything, but I just didn’t get what the book was about. So sometimes, I’d begin to do a Google search. I’d look for a summary of the chapter or the book to help me understand what I was reading.

I wasn’t trying to get out of reading the book, but the summary simply helped me better understand the material. In the same way, today’s verse tells us it’s like a summary of the law in the Old Testament. And just like the summaries I found online, this summary makes it easier to understand. When we love others, we are fulfilling the law.

So for example, we wouldn’t steal from ourselves. That would be really silly. In the same way, we wouldn’t murder ourselves. Usually, we are always looking out for our own best interests. However, this verse shows us that we should be treating other people like we treat ourselves. Loving people like this is hard work. It will take some retraining of old habits, but it’s the goal God encourages us to strive for.

If you struggle with loving others, don’t feel bad, we all do from time to time. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Maybe He can give you an idea for an area you can improve or show you a simple way that you can begin to love others more. Determine to let today’s verse not just be an empty suggestion, but rather the way you choose to live your life each day.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Luke 5:13

Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared. – Luke 5:13 (NLT)

This man asked a question in the previous verse (Luke 5:12). He said, “I know you can but are you willing”. When faced with a problem, we often know that God can heal, forgive or help us but we struggle with wondering if He is willing. Jesus was God in the flesh and He was showing mankind that He is willing to help, heal and forgive.

We also can be tricked by the devil into believing that God would be willing to do it for others but not for us. We wonder if we’ve been too bad or haven’t done enough good things to receive. However, this is not the attitude of Jesus. He is the reason we can receive anything from God. We receive when we believe in Him and what He did not on what we have done or haven’t done.

Today’s Truth: Jesus is able and willing to help, heal, forgive and restore.

Today is your day to believe God and know that He is not only able to help, heal, forgive and restore you but that He is WILLING!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. – Psalm 119:105

How many times in life do you just wish that you knew the ‘right’ thing to do? You might be faced with a decision on where to go to school, who to date, or which sport to play this year. All of these decisions have consequences and you wish that someone would just tell you what to do.

When it comes to making decisions, it’s often easy to ignore what this Bible verse tells us. It says the Bible is a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path. This verse tells us that when we don’t know what the right choice is, we should rely on God’s word for help. God’s word can be the answer to your questions. It can be the light to show you which path to take. The key is to spend time in God’s word and get to know what God says. God’s word will bring light and help you make the right decision.

Today’s Truth: If you spend time reading the Bible you find that the decision you need to make is much clearer.

If we spend time reading the Bible and getting to know Jesus, we find that often the decision we are to make seems much clearer. So the next time you’re faced with a tough decision, do what this Bible verse says. Spend some time in God’s word and let it guide you into making good decisions.

Daily Devotion and Bible Verse – Proverbs 29:25

If you’re back at school, you know how easy it is to begin to fear people. Not that you’re scared of them, but rather you look for the approval of others. When your friends and teachers approve of what you do, it’s easy to feel better about yourself.

Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about fearing other people in today’s verse.

Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety. – Proverbs 29:25 (NLT)

Fearing people is a trap. But it’s easy to fall into. Perhaps you know from going to church and reading your Bible that something is wrong, but when all your friends are around you do it anyway. You’d rather let God down than have your friends not like you.

This Bible verse calls that kind of thinking a dangerous trap. It’s dangerous because when you get so consumed with what others think that you do things that don’t please God you’re headed down a bad path.

Today’s Truth: Choose to Follow After God

Make the decision to follow after God. When you choose to follow after God you’ll always have safety and be happier.

CHoose to follow God

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 96:3

Tell people about his glory. Tell all the nations about his miracles. – Psalms 96:3 (GW)

Lots of people think sharing their faith has to be difficult. Often, they don’t share their faith because they think they don’t know enough or that it’s too hard. Many times, however, you can share your faith in simple and easy ways.

For example, I was out on a walk and I met a young man on a bike at an intersection. Even though he had the right of way, he pulled over and let me go first. I smiled and thanked him, and then he did something really great. He said, “God Bless You”. He said three simple words, but you know what those words did? They immediately got me thinking about God. I started thinking about how great God was.

Granted, I was already a Christian and already excited about God, but what this young man did was extraordinary. He went out of his way to be nice and to let me go first. When he was done, he didn’t try to preach to me or tell me all about his beliefs. He simply said, “God Bless You”. What a great way to share your faith. It’s so simple, and yet so powerful.

What would our world look like if we all did simple things like this young man? What if we took some time out of our busy schedules and let someone else go first in line? And that opened the door to tell them about Jesus. What if we helped an older lady carry groceries to her car? What if we bought coffee for the person behind us in line?

What would it look like if we started doing good in the name of Jesus? It’s simple to tell others about how good God is. You can start by being kind and spreading God’s love to those you meet every day.

Today’s Truth: It’s easy to tell others how good God is.

IT's easy to tell others how good god is

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Ephesians 1:6

To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. – Ephesians 1:6

Have you ever struggled with not feeling like you’re accepted? Maybe you feel like you don’t always fit in at school, or you don’t like how you look.

If you look for them, there are probably tons of reasons why you might feel like you’re not accepted.

Today’s Bible verse helps us. It tells us that God accepted us. And it shows us that God indeed loves us enough to accept us into his family and call us His children.

Our job is simple: Accept Jesus as our savior.

So when those thoughts come that tell you there’s something wrong with you. Your response should be to tell them no. Those thoughts are not the truth. The truth is, you’re accepted by God. Instead, choose to think about that and be happy because you’re accepted!

If you struggle with feeling accepted, check out this devotion.

Today’s Truth: You’ve been accepted by God

You've been accepted by God

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Matthew 20:32

Jesus stopped and called them. “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked. – Matthew 20:32 (GW)

Have you ever taken some time to stop and think about what you’d like to see Jesus do in your life? Lots of times in life, we just take things as they come or get so busy that we forget we can go to Jesus with the things we need. This Bible verse encourages us to ask Jesus for what we want to see in our lives.

So what would you like to see in your life? Do you want Jesus to be more real to you? Do you need wisdom or help in any area of your life? Do you need healing from a hurt? Then do what this verse says and ask Jesus what you want Him to do in your life. When you ask Jesus to get involved with what you’re facing, you’re able to do much more than you could do on your own.

Today’s Truth: Don’t get so busy that you forget to go to Jesus with the things you need

Don't get so busy

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – James 1:3

If we’re honest, most of us would like to avoid tests and trials in life. No one likes going through hard times. However, this Bible verse shows us something really great about the tests of life. It tells us that those tests produce endurance in our lives.

Many times, athletes will undergo endurance training to help them become better in the sport they play. They train their bodies and their minds to withstand for long periods of time. This produces results like overall feeling better and having more energy.

Daily Bible Verse James 1:3Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. – James 1:3

In the same way, we can grow in endurance training spiritually too. Each difficulty in our life gives us another chance to trust in God and each test can help make us better. If we let them, the tests and trials in life can be a way for us to learn to trust God in new ways, and to learn and grow in endurance. So the next time you’re faced with a test in life, you can be encouraged by what this Bible verse says. Realize that even though the trials can be hard, that they’re producing character in your life and if you let them, these trials can bring you to rely more fully on God.

[Tweet “Each difficulty we face gives us the chance to fully rely on God. – @studentdevos”]

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Phil 3:14

I keep running hard toward the finish line to get the prize that is mine because God has called me through Christ Jesus to life up there in heaven.  – Phil 3:14 (ERV)

I ran long distances for my track team at school. One of the hardest things to do in a track meet was to keep running when I started getting tired. Many times, I just wanted to fall to the side of the track and stop. However, I learned though that when I started getting tired, I needed to hang in there and just keep running. There was a reward for finishing for my team if I would just not quit.

This is true in life too. Many times things get hard and we are wired to want to quit. However, when we quit we often miss out. There is power in finishing the things we start. It’s easy to start something, but sometimes it’s finishing that shows character.

God has called you to something. Today, determine to work hard to finish what God has called you to do. Don’t be a person that starts only, but keep working hard, and see what God has called you to do to the finish.

So choose to be a person of character and finish well in the things you start.

determine to work hard to finish what God has called you to do

[Tweet “It’s easy to start something, but it’s how you finish that shows true character – @studentdevos”]

Daily Bible Verse and Devotional – John 10:27

John 10:27 (NIV)

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. – John 10:27 (NIV)

Have you ever needed some direction in your life? Maybe you were faced with some choices and didn’t know which one to pick. Or maybe you just want to know God’s will and plan for your life. Today’s Bible verse gives us encouragement when making choices and decisions in life.

Today’s verse shows you that God loves you and He is speaking to you in your heart. In this verse, we clearly see that Jesus loves you and is ready to speak to you. Jesus is ready to guide you if you’ll follow His leading.

If you find yourself wondering what you should do in a situation, first acknowledge this truth that you hear God’s voice. Then EXPECT to hear Him and you will. He might not speak immediately after you acknowledge this but ask God to speak and to give you His wisdom in your situation and He will.