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Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – December 22

Daily Bible Verse Daily Devotion Matthew 19:26

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

– Matthew 19:26 (NIV)

In today’s Bible verse, Jesus is talking about how to enter the kingdom of God. He makes it very clear that we can only do this through God’s ability, not in our own strength. There is no amount of good deeds or hard work that can make us right with God. We needed a savior, Jesus. Through Jesus, God made the impossible possible.

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God wants to do the impossible in our lives, but we have to trust Him and believe that what He says is true. Today decide to trust in Jesus and know that if He promised it, it’s possible in our lives. Be encouraged that it’s not in our own ability but through His that these things are possible.


Daily Devotional For Teens – Romans 5:1

Daily Bible Verse & Devotion on having peace with GodTherefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. – Romans 5:1 (NLT)

True peace comes from placing faith in Jesus. When you place your faith in Jesus, you are made right in God’s sight. Knowing and experiencing this allows for true peace because you know you’re loved and you know you’re forgiven. God doesn’t even see you as a dirty sinner any longer. You’ve placed your trust in Jesus Christ and now God sees you as a new creature and made right!

Take a deep breath in of God’s love today and allow His peace to wipe out all your fear.  Your made right with Him because of His Son Jesus.

Daily Devotion and Bible Verse – Romans 8:37

Devotions from the Bible sent daily Aug 28Today’s Daily Bible Verse

No, in all these things we are more than victorious through Him who loved us. Romans 8:27 (HCSB)

God showed the greatest love that anyone could give by sending us Jesus. Knowing God loves you is powerful because when things come against you it gives you a new perspective. You know that if God loves you, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. You realize that if God is for me, you can get through any tough time.

You might be going through a rough spot in your life right now. Maybe someone close to you died recently, you’re dealing with a break-up, or in the midst of natural disaster. In these tough times, you can realize that God loves you and He is going to help you get through the difficulty you’re facing. Focus today on how big God’s love is for you. As you begin to put your focus on God, you’ll realize that you can get through anything with God on your side.

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Here are a few more devotions to help you build your faith in tough times.


Daily Devotion and Bible Verse – Aug 4

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion August 4Today’s Daily Bible Verse and Devotion is Romans 13:4

For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

In today’s world there is a growing desire to fight against authority. However in the New Testament, the only time you see the believers not obeying the public authority is when they were told to no longer speak in the Name of Jesus (Acts 4:18).

In this verse Paul is saying that those in authority like policemen or judges are there for our good. When we have rebelled and broken the law, then we have reason to be afraid of them.

If you want to live in civil peace do the right thing. Don’t break the rules of the land. Unless you are being told to do something directly against what the Bible says, obey the authorities in your life and you will not need to be afraid of them.

Challenge yourself today to be respectful and honor those in authority around you. They were put there for your good!


Daily Bible Verse and Devotion on Peace –

Peace daily Devotion and Bible verse Coll 3:15Today’s Daily Devotion and Bible Verse is Colossians 3:15 (NLT)

And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful. – Colossians 3:15 (NLT)

God’s guidance system in our lives is often as simple as a peace in your heart. When your praying about a certain decision your facing, ask God to help show you which choice is the one He wants you to do.

He often will show you the right decision by giving you peace about it. Sometimes the other choices seem better but it’s best to go with the peace in your heart. The Bible says in Proverbs to not lean unto your own understanding. That’s how peace often works. It might not even completely makes sense going in the direction that you feel peace however, you just know that it’s the right decision.

You’ll always want to balance out your decisions with first and foremost the Bible. God will never lead you in a direction through peace that does not line up with other principles He’s clearly already spoken on in the Bible.

Today if you are facing a tough decision, is there a particular outcome that you just have more peace on the inside about? This can often be a good indicator that God is helping to lead you towards that.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion July 23

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  – 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (NIV)

This verse clearly states that you are made up of 3 parts. The spirit, soul and a body. The spirit is the real us. It’s the only part of us that gets born again. This brings a bunch more clarity when you read things like, you’re a new creature in Christ, old things are passed away and behold are things are made new. This is obviously not talking about our body. That doesn’t change when we are born again. It’s also not talking about our soul. We often still think the same and feel the same until we renew our minds with the Word of God. But, our spirit does become completely new when we receive Jesus and confess Him as Lord.

Be encouraged today that if you did receive Jesus you are made completely new. In your spirit, God has made something brand new that never existed before.

For other daily Bible verses and daily devotions click here.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – July 2

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion on Knowing Jesus

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death – Phil 3:10

When I was about 15 years old, I went to visit Poland. While I was there I had the chance to visit the concentration camps where millions of people had been killed while the Nazis were in power. I had read and learned about the concentration camps in school, but it wasn’t until I went there and saw it for myself and learned about it that it became real to me. Now when I read about concentration camps, its not just history facts, its real to me because I’ve been there.

That’s a lot like what Paul is talking about here in this verse. He’s talking about how we can now have a new perspective when it comes to knowing Jesus. That Jesus can be real to us. This verse talks about knowing Jesus, knowing the power of the resurrection, his sufferings and his death. This verse is talking about it becoming real to us. When something is real to you, you get excited about it, you tell others about it.

Jesus is someone we can know. We can identify with Him and He can real to us. So take time today to make knowing Jesus important to you. Choose to think about the power of his resurrection and all the awesome things that God has made available to you!