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daily Bible verse

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – James 1:3

If we’re honest, most of us would like to avoid tests and trials in life. No one likes going through hard times. However, this Bible verse shows us something really great about the tests of life. It tells us that those tests produce endurance in our lives.

Many times, athletes will undergo endurance training to help them become better in the sport they play. They train their bodies and their minds to withstand for long periods of time. This produces results like overall feeling better and having more energy.

Daily Bible Verse James 1:3Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. – James 1:3

In the same way, we can grow in endurance training spiritually too. Each difficulty in our life gives us another chance to trust in God and each test can help make us better. If we let them, the tests and trials in life can be a way for us to learn to trust God in new ways, and to learn and grow in endurance. So the next time you’re faced with a test in life, you can be encouraged by what this Bible verse says. Realize that even though the trials can be hard, that they’re producing character in your life and if you let them, these trials can bring you to rely more fully on God.

[Tweet “Each difficulty we face gives us the chance to fully rely on God. – @studentdevos”]

Daily Bible Verse and Devotional – John 10:27

John 10:27 (NIV)

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. – John 10:27 (NIV)

Have you ever needed some direction in your life? Maybe you were faced with some choices and didn’t know which one to pick. Or maybe you just want to know God’s will and plan for your life. Today’s Bible verse gives us encouragement when making choices and decisions in life.

Today’s verse shows you that God loves you and He is speaking to you in your heart. In this verse, we clearly see that Jesus loves you and is ready to speak to you. Jesus is ready to guide you if you’ll follow His leading.

If you find yourself wondering what you should do in a situation, first acknowledge this truth that you hear God’s voice. Then EXPECT to hear Him and you will. He might not speak immediately after you acknowledge this but ask God to speak and to give you His wisdom in your situation and He will.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion- Proverbs 3:6

Teen Devotion on the FUture

“Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” – Proverbs 3:6 (NLT)

If you’re honest, the future can often seem scary. How do you know what career to pursue after school? What college should you go to? All those questions can often feel overwhelming and you can feel overwhelmed with having to make all those decisions.

However, there is good news. God didn’t leave us without help when making big decisions. God tells us in this verse that if we seek Him and His will, that He will show us which path to take.

So instead of stressing about what the future will hold, spend some time seeking God. Put the video games or social media aside for a bit and get into the presence of God through worship and Bible reading. Go to God and get His peace and refreshing.

The more you do that, He will begin to show you what way is right for you. He will drop ideas and dreams of what your future will look like into your heart. God doesn’t want the future to scare or overwhelm you. He wants to walk with you to see good things come to pass in your life. Go to Him, spend time in His word and you’ll walk the future out together.

If you’d like some practical help with deciding your future and spending time with God, check out our resource, The Purpose Planner.

It’s a 10-day devotion that will help you spend time with God as well as provide you with some practical things to consider when making decisions about your future.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 17:24

Intelligent people think about what needs to be done here and now. Fools are always dreaming about faraway places – Proverbs 17:24 (ERV)

How many times have you spent hours wishing you were somewhere else. I used to always wish that I was done with high school and out of my parent’s house. I just felt that I wanted freedom and I wanted to get on with my life. However, this verse tells us that dreaming about things like that makes us a fool. To spend time thinking and wishing you were somewhere else is not productive. If you spend all your time unhappy because of where you are in life and never do anything about it, nothing will change.

Instead of spending all your time wishing you were somewhere else doing something else, choose to do what the first part of this verse says. Choose to focus on what can be done now. Think about things you can be doing now to make a difference or to help someone else out. If you spend your time doing this, then you are intelligent.

As this verse says, taking action and planning right where you are now is always more powerful than dreaming of wanting to be somewhere else. Your purpose is not fulfilled just longing for a better place to be. Instead, choose to see the opportunities right in front of you and begin making plans and taking action. You’ll be glad you did. [Tweet “Choose to see the opportunities right in front of you and begin making plans and taking action.”]

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 103:3

Teen Devotion and BIble Verse

Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases – Psalm 103:3 (NIV)

How great is it to know that God has forgiven all our sins? And not just a couple sins, but all of them are forgiven. You’ve been completely forgiven. There is not a single sin that is too big or too small that God hasn’t forgiven. And now because you’re free from sin, you have access to God the father. That’s a freeing thought!

God didn’t just forgive sins, He went the extra mile. The end of the verse also says that He heals all your diseases. It’s great to know that God not only forgives you but He heals you too!

Don’t become too busy today to take some time out to thank God for all He’s done in your life. Be thankful that your sins have been forgiven. You have been given access to God!

Today’s Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Ephesians 4:28

Teen Daily Bible Verse

The thief must no longer steal. Instead, he must do honest work with his own hands, so that he has something to share with anyone in need.
Ephesians 4:28 (Holman)

As a student, you might not have a job. Even if you don’t, there is still something that you can do to earn some income.

Maybe you could babysit. Perhaps you could use a lawnmower and mow lawns, or grab a shovel and shovel driveways when it snows. Whatever it is, there’s something you can do to earn a little money.

Then instead of using all that money to buy some new shoes or go to the newest move, think what you could do with part of that money to be a blessing and help to someone else?

There might be someone at school that doesn’t have enough money for decent clothes, you could help get them some. There might be a homeless shelter near you, you could give to that. Or you might begin to give money to a cause at your church. This list can go on and on.

Today you can grow into the true joy of having money. This comes from learning to resist being a moocher and becoming a giver! Pray today that God would help get you a job or an idea of how to make money so that you’ll continually have some to give when a worthy need arises around you.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 119:105


Teen Devotion on Gods Word

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. – Psalm 119:105

Have you ever used Google Maps when you were in a new place? Perhaps you wanted to know where to get some food and you decided to let your maps app direct you to an awesome new restaurant. Once you turned on that map, it gave you turn by turn instructions that led you to your destination.

God wants the Bible to be our Google Maps in life. The Bible is what we can go to when we need to know what the next turn is in life. The Bible is our place to go when we don’t know what to do. The Bible has answers to the toughest of situations and circumstances you might face.

Treat God’s word like Google Maps. Let it guide you each step of your journey. When you don’t know what to do, it shows you what to do. When you don’t know what the future holds, it brings you hope and encouragement. God’s word is the answer to everything we face!

[Tweet “God’s Word is the answer to anything you face – @studentdevos”]


Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 1:7


Teen Devotion and Bible Verse

To have knowledge, you must first have reverence for the LORD. Stupid people have no respect for wisdom and refuse to learn – Proverbs 1:7 (GNB)

Many students today don’t take time for God in their lives. Most of the reasons for not having time are legitimate. It may be due to being busy, the pressures of life, or some other reason. Regardless of the reason, this verse tells us that not making time for God in our lives is stupid.

Yeah, that hurts to hear, doesn’t it?

As a Christian, you should be wanting to know Jesus more. That should be one of your main desires.

There are treasures found within God’s word that can help with all the problems you face each day. God’s word is powerful and it can teach you amazing things. When you spend time in God’s word it is never wasted time. It helps you with every aspect of your life.

Read: How To Read Your Bible and Not Fall Asleep

[Tweet “God’s word is powerful. It can help you in every area of your life! – @studentdevos”]

When you spend time in God’s word, you gain practical wisdom on how to handle many of life’s challenges. Decide today that you’re not going to fill your life so full of other things that you have no time for God. Make knowing Him an important part of your life.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion- November 8


“We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.” – Romans 3:22 (NLT)

The fact that we have been made right with God is such great news. Regardless of who we are, or what we had done, we needed a savior, Jesus Christ.

When we place our trust in Jesus as our savior the Bible tells us that we are made right with God. That means that despite what we’ve done or who we are, we are in right standing with God. This place of right standing with God comes by simply placing your trust in Jesus as savior. You simply need to believe that what Jesus dying on the cross was the payment for your sin. By accepting what Jesus did, you become right with God.

[Tweet It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done. When you put your faith in Jesus you’re made right with God – @studentdevos”]

Knowing that you’ve been made right with God can greatly change your outlook on life. It’s easy to focus on what’s going wrong in your life or how the current circumstances you’re facing are making things difficult. The truth is that when we focus on how we’ve been made right with God it helps us change our outlook. We know that no matter what we’re going through right now, we can get through it because we’ve been made right with God.

So today remember, it doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done, or what you do. When you put your faith in Jesus you’re made right with God!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 1:2

Bible Verse & Daily Devotion on Reading the Bible

Rather, he delights in the teachings of the LORD and reflects on his teachings day and night. – Psalm 1:2 (GW)

Its easy in the busyness of life to take the Bible for granted. Life happens and the next thing you know its been days, weeks or maybe even months since you had some time to spend reading the Bible.

The Bible shouldn’t just be something that we make time for when nothing else is going on, it should be something that we are excited about and reading day and night. One of the best ways to get excited about God’s word is to just start digging into it. The more you read it, the more you desire to read more.

So challenge yourself to make reading the Bible a priority in your life. Determine to not let all the stuff going on keep you from spending time with God.