Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Job 39:1

“Do you know when the mountain goats give birth?
    Do you watch when the doe bears her fawn? – Job 39:1 (NIV)

How often do we need answers from God, and yet we forget to go to Him? Have you ever spent time thinking about the fact that God made our world? Not just in the mental consent way, like, yeah, I read Genesis, so yep, God made the world. But have you ever stopped to think about what that actually means?

If God made the world, then that means that any question we have about science and the world around us can be found in Him. So when we don’t understand a concept in science, we could ask God for help. When we don’t get why something works the way it does, we can go to God for help.

Isn’t that an amazing idea? How many questions are left unanswered simply because we forget to ask God? If God really created our world, then every answer about our physical world can be found in our relationship with Him. So when you don’t get why something works how it does, when you wonder about why a bug acts the way it does, why not go to God first?

Why not ask Him about the things that He created? What powerful answers might be available to us, and yet we never ask the questions?

So today, challenge yourself. Realize that if God made the world as He said He did, then He has answers for our questions about the physical world around us. We can go to Him and ask Him about a bug, tree, or any created thing and He wants to teach us.

That’s what today’s verse is saying. It’s saying that God knows when the mountain goat gives birth. He knows where she does too. And if He knows that, what else can we ask Him about? How much knowledge do we not have simply because we never asked the creator?

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Lamentations 3:24

I say, “The LORD is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in him.” – Lamentations 3:24 (CSB)

Where you put your hope says a lot about what’s important to you. Perhaps you put your hope in popularity or in your ability to get good grades to get a scholarship to college. Maybe your hope is in your musical skills and that one day you’ll make it big.

Today’s Truth: Where you put your hope says a lot about what’s important to you

There are so many different places to put our hope in. It’s almost easy to forget about putting our hope in God. It’s easy to get so wrapped up in the concerns of life that we forget that God is where our hope should be.

Jesus should be where we are placing our hope. When life gets tough and things aren’t going the way we think they should, having hope in Jesus will help you get through. So take some time today and get real with yourself. Ask yourself where are you putting your hope? Is it in Jesus? Or have you taken your eyes off Jesus and put your hope in something else?

If you realize that you’ve begun to put your hope in something other than Jesus, choose today to put your hope back in Him. Choose to live a life fully devoted to Him.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Matthew 11:28

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

Life can be crazy and stressful. From navigating relationships, to studying for tests, and even trying to find time to spend with God, life can fee really stressful. However, even in the middle of all the fear and stress in the world, Jesus promises to give us rest. Jesus can be our place of peace in the midst of all the bad things going on around us.

The key is, we have to choose to walk in His peace and His rest each day. That means we have to remind ourselves of how good God is and how much He loves us.

Today’s Truth: We stay at peace when we remind ourselves of how good God is.

God has provided us with everything we need, it’s just up to us to walk in that and live in what He provided us.

So today, if you’ve given into fear and stress about what’s going on around you, choose to look to Jesus. Let Him give you the rest and the peace you crave!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 37:23

The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives – Psalm 37:23

Many times in life we want to get God’s leading and direction for our lives. We hope that God will appear in a giant cloud or send an angel to tell us the next thing we are to do. Often, we expect that thing to be a big leap into the future. And while God can at times lead us this way, many times God leads us through smaller things.

That is what this verse is talking about. This verse tells us that our steps are directed by God. God is directing the small things in life. He shows us one small thing to do, then another, followed by another. All those steps together add up to something really great God has for us to do.

Today’s Truth: Most of the people who did big things for God took small steps.

Most of the people who did great things for God did it in small steps and stages. In the Bible, David killed the lion and the bear before defeating the giant. This shows us that it is often the small choices and the small steps me make each day that end up making a big difference in the course of our lives. So today remember to act on the small things that God is putting on your heart to do. Those small things often end up setting you up for big things later in life.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Hebrews 11:8

It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. – Hebrews 11:8 (NLT)

Finding your God-given purpose in life is a process. It may take some time to find your purpose and passion. You will probably make some mistakes and take some wrong turns along the way.

The key is on the journey to not lose faith. It takes faith to follow God’s plan and His leading.

Today’s Take Away – Finding Purpose Takes Faith

In today’s Bible verse, we see that Abraham followed God’s leading for his life. He left his home and went to another land. He didn’t know what to do each step of the way. Abraham made some mistakes too along the way.

However, Abraham kept faith in God. He knew that God would see him through. Abraham followed God in faith, without knowing where he was going.

You might feel the same way sometimes. It might feel like you’re unsure of where you’re going or how God is leading you. The truth is this. God is good: He has your best interests at heart. God is going to lead you on a good path and has good things for you at the end.

It’s just up to you to trust Him and let Him bring good things into your life. Finding your purpose takes faith because it isn’t always easy and doesn’t always make sense. But when you follow God’s plan, you’ll be more fulfilled and find good things along the way.

 If you enjoyed today’s devotion and want to follow along with a PDF version, you can download our 10-day purpose planner. It’s full of devotions to help you discover your God-given purpose.

Other Devotions About Purpose

  1. Day 1 – Your Identity Isn’t Your Purpose.
    Making decisions about your future can seem really scary sometimes. Make them easier by realizing that your purpose is not your identity. Your identity can only be found in Jesus.
  2. Day 2 – Finding Purpose Takes Patience
    God leads us and tells us that our steps are ordered by Him. He doesn’t tell us that He will reveal to us the whole journey.
  3. Day 3 – Finding Purpose Takes Faith
    The key is on the journey to discovering your purpose is to not lose faith. It takes faith to follow God’s plan and His leading.
  4. Day 4 – Purpose Requires Action
    You can daydream amazing things. You can get excited about things that you’d like the future to hold for you. In fact, you can even pray about God’s plan for your life, but if you don’t take action on those things, you won’t end up doing anything for God.
  5. Day 5 – God’s Purpose For You Is Good
    God wants good things for you. He has good things in store for your future

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 11:25

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. – Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)

Many times we don’t think a lot about being generous. We are often thinking about how we can save enough money to buy the car, shoes or the phone we want. Lots of energy goes into making sure we have the latest and greatest. And while there’s nothing wrong with wanting nice things, we’ve got to keep it in the proper perspective.

Acquiring things can trap us in an endless cycle. You get something, but it doesn’t really satisfy you, so you try to obtain the next thing, and that doesn’t really make you happy, so you reach for something new. If you’re not careful, your whole life can turn into the pursuit of stuff.

True happiness comes when you put pursuing things to the side and begin living a life of generosity. And the great thing about generosity is that you don’t have to have tons of money to do it. It can start by buying a friend a Pepsi who is having a bad day. Or helping your neighbor carry in their trash cans. It could be baking a friend some cookies after they had surgery.

Being generous doesn’t have to take a lot of money, it’s just about getting out of yourself and the pursuit of stuff and into being a blessing to other people around us. So today ask God for ways that you can begin to be generous.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Isaiah 28:23

Give ear and hear my voice; listen and hear my speech. – Isaiah 28:23 (MEV)

What are we being told in this verse? We are told to listen and hear God’s voice. How do we do that?

First of all, begin by reminding yourself that’s it is a privilege to hear from God. God wants to talk to us, He wants to give us help with life all of those things. And it’s something special that we should never take for granted. God wants to talk to us. He wants us to know His voice and listen to it.

He doesn’t want to talk to us to control us or to make life more difficult. Instead, He loves us. He wants His best for us and wants us to live life in a way that is the best for us. He wants to speak to us and give us wisdom on all matters of life. From where to find the best deals on new shoes, to which math teacher to pick for next semester. God wants to help out by giving you wisdom in every area of your life.

So begin by listening. Realize that God wants to speak to you and then begin to listen for His voice. The way God most reliably speaks to us is through His written word, the Bible. So be confident that as you read the Bible, He will speak to you. What He speaks will line up with what is written in the Bible.

So have confidence that God wants to speak to you, and that He is speaking to you every time you begin to read the Bible. Take some time today to open up your Bible. Start with today’s verse and ask God to show you ways that you can begin to give ear to His voice and listen to what He says. Then do what you feel like He’s telling you to do. As you do, you’ll find that you’ll hear more and more from God’s word.

Today’s Truth: God is speaking, take some time to listen to God’s word today to hear Him.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 30:5

“Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. – Proverbs 30:5 (NIV)

This week we’re going to be talking about God’s word. That might seem like a pretty boring topic. The idea of reading your Bible might make you want to fall asleep. But hang with us. Even though sometimes the Bible seems dull and boring, in reality it’s an amazing book.

The Bible itself tells us that every word of God is flawless. That means the Bible is perfect. The stories in it are to help us, guide us, and direct us in life. Every word that is written has power and the Bible is truth.

What does that mean for your life? It means that when you feel upset because someone bullied you, you can look to God’s word. In His word, you find that you have worth and value.

If you’re struggling with making a big decision, God’s word has advice and help with that too. The truth is that no matter what you face, God’s word is truth and it has your answer.

So if you’ve struggled reading the Bible, look into some of the great options available. Consider an app that reads the Bible to you. Watch some YouTube videos about scripture you like. Make it fun and get creative. Find a way to get the truth found in God’s word in your life!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men, – Colossians 3:23 (HSCB)

It’s hard to stay motivated when things are tough. Maybe you tried really hard on a project for school and didn’t get the grade you wanted. Or perhaps you tried out for the basketball team only to find out that you didn’t make the cut. When you try hard but don’t get the results you want it can be really disappointing.

Today’s Bible verse talks about doing all things enthusiastically as if you’re doing them for the Lord. A good way to think about it is in everything you do, treat it as worship to God. So even when you try something and don’t get the results you want, if you’ve done our best, then you can take comfort in the fact that God sees what you’re doing. And God rewards those who are faithful.

In everything you do, do your best. Remember that you’re doing things for God, not for others. So even if doing the right thing is hard, it’s always worth it in the long run. So choose to do things enthusiastically and for God.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Esther 2:15

 When the turn came for Esther (the young woman Mordecai had adopted, the daughter of his uncle Abihail) to go to the king, she asked for nothing other than what Hegai, the king’s eunuch who was in charge of the harem, suggested. And Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her – Esther 2:15 (NIV)

Esther amazes me sometimes. She was a woman who didn’t exactly have life fall into place the way she probably wanted it to. Her parents had died. That could have left her angry and bitter. Instead, we see her being a woman who was humble and willing to take advice.

She listened to those in charge of her, and took their advice. She didn’t think that she knew better than those over her, instead she listened to what they had to say and acted on it.

I feel like if we were honest, most of us would not respond the way Esther did. If our parents died, we’d be sad, angry and bitter. Also, imagine being taken from your home, and then being forced to marry someone you might not really care about.

All of these things could have made Esther bitter and unhappy. But instead of feeling that way, she chooses to listen to those in charge of her, and ends up being the one the king chose for his wife. She must have really trusted God to still have such a good attitude in the midst of so many things that weren’t really going the way she probably wanted them to.

How about you? Do you face times when you want to get bitter and angry? When things don’t turn out how you’d like them to do you get upset or do you go to God? Do you tell Him the things that trouble you, and trust Him to bring you through?