Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Luke 2:19

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. – Luke 2:19 (NIV)

The Christmas season is coming upon us, and with that, we thought it might be fun to take a look at some of the characters in the Christmas story. Who were they and what can we learn from them?

Today we’re going to look at Mary. Mary was chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. There were lots of women at the time that God could have chosen. Yet, something about Mary was special. Could it be that she was tender toward the things of God? Or perhaps that she heard God’s voice and was quick to obey it?

It also says in today’s verse that Mary treasured these things and pondered them in her heart. She heard God speak, and didn’t forget it, or ignore it. Instead, she made room for God in her life. She thought about what He had spoken to her. It was probably this sensitivity to the things of God that helped God choose her to impact the world.

So how about you? Are you sensitive to the things of God? When God speaks, are you willing and ready to obey? What if like Mary, it costs you something? Mary probably knew that it might cost her a future marriage, it would make her friends and relatives question her character. And yet, she chose to say yes to God.

Take some time this Christmas season to prepare your heart. Determine to be like Mary and be ready to say yes to God no matter what it costs you.

Today’s Truth: Prepare your heart to say “yes” to God.

Prepare your heart to say yes to God

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 13:35

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:35 (NIV)

How do you know that a car is a car? There are certain characteristics about a car that make it unique. These are the things that help you recognize a car. For example, you notice that it has four wheels, side mirrors, windows or an engine. These things make a car different than a horse, or a house.

How you know a car is a car is a lot like what today’s Bible verse is talking about. There are certain things that make a Christian a Christian. One of those things is love. As Christians, we should be loving each other, not tearing others down. Love is a characteristic that should define Christians.

Love shows up in many areas of our lives. How do we treat our mom? What do we do about the old lady down the street that needs help bringing in her groceries? These things are all examples of showing love to others. Love should be a trademark for Christians.

Examine your life today. Are you letting God’s love shine through you? Are you open and ready for opportunities to love others? If you’re not, simply make any necessary adjustments in your life and let God’s love flow through you to those around you.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Hebrews 2:10

God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a perfect leader, fit to bring them into their salvation. – Hebrews 2:10 (NLT)

God loves relationships. He wanted a family, so He did whatever was necessary to bring others into His family. That’s good news for you! It means that God wanted you.

He wanted a relationship with you and that you’ll only find true happiness and true purpose in Him.

You’ll never find true happiness in other people, things or possessions. True happiness and sense of purpose come from a relationship with God.

Today’s Truth: True Happiness comes out of a relationship with God.

So remind yourself today that your value comes from God. Your purpose comes from God. In God, you find the love that your heart desires. Through a relationship with God, you can find all of the things you need to succeed in life.

You enter into the family of God by faith in Christ Jesus (Eph 2:8-9). So today take a moment to thank God for bringing you into His family through Jesus. Thank God for His salvation and the fact that we are now able to have a relationship with Him.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 2 Chronicles 20:20

Early the next morning the army of Judah went out into the wilderness of Tekoa. On the way Jehoshaphat stopped and said, “Listen to me, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! Believe in the LORD your God, and you will be able to stand firm. Believe in his prophets, and you will succeed.” – 2 Chronicles 20:20 (NLT)

Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Maybe you’re scared about not getting into the right college, or fearful that your parents aren’t doing well financially. Or perhaps there’s something else causing you to fear. All those things can feel bigger than you and leave you feeling helpless and alone.

In 2 Chronicles 20:20, we see that Judah and Jerusalem were surrounded by a big army. Can you imagine how that must have felt? There was a huge army coming to kill them and fight against them. They probably felt scared and alone and hopeless.

Here’s the great thing. In this scripture we see that they were asked to put their trust and belief in God and they would succeed. God had planned to have the armies fight against each other and give Jehoshaphat a victory.

God wants to do the same for you. He wants to help defeat the scary things that you face. We simply have to trust God and believe in Him and His goodness.

So instead of being scared of what you see around you, choose to put your faith in Jesus. Choose to trust Him and believe that He will see you through whatever you’re facing. If you do, God can work amazing things on your behalf. He’s able to do amazing things if you’ll trust and ask Him.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Numbers 21:4-5

They traveled from Mount Hor along the route to the Red Sea, to go around Edom. But the people grew impatient on the way; they spoke against God and against Moses, and said, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is no bread! There is no water! And we detest this miserable food!” – Numbers 21:4-5 (NIV)

It’s so easy to read through Numbers and not understand why the Israelites were such complainers. I’ve read it before and thought, why are you complaining? Don’t you know in 3 or 4 pages later in the Bible you get to enter the promised land? Seriously…why are you complaining.

And then it hit me. They didn’t know. They didn’t know that in three pages they were going into the promised land. All they knew was they weren’t where they wanted to be yet. And they had no idea how long it was going to take to get there.

They experienced lots of set backs. And they obviously felt discouraged and became impatient.

And honestly, I do too. I often wonder how long is it going to be God? How long do I have to remain patient? How long until I see results in my own life?

So what can we learn from Israel? I think the lesson from this passage is that it’s really all about trust. We have to trust God. We have to trust that He is going to bring us to where we want to be. But that takes faith. Because a lot of the time we don’t see when or how it’s going to happen.

Many times we have to be patient when we don’t see the promises coming to pass yet in our lives. We have to be patient in the midst of situations that aren’t exactly going the way we would choose. That takes faith and character. We have to keep our eyes on Jesus and see Him and the promises in the Word as more real that what we see going on around us.

Ask yourself today, am I being patient? Have I allowed myself to become discouraged with the setbacks that I’ve faced? And if so, ask God’s help. Ask Him to help you stay encouraged.

Today’s Truth: We have to see Jesus as more real than what is going on around us.

see Jesus as more real

Happy Thanksgiving

We’re thankful for those of you who have faithfully read this devotional. We appreciate all the kind comments, emails, and especially your prayers. We’re going to take a couple of days off to spend with family and friends for thanksgiving.

We wish all of you a very happy Thanksgiving!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Exodus 16:4

Then the LORD said to Moses, “I will cause food to fall from the sky. This food will be for you to eat. Every day the people should go out and gather the food they need that day. – Exodus 16:4 (ERV)

We’ve been talking this week about being thankful. It’s easy to forget where God has brought us out of, and become complainers. However, if we choose to focus on what God has done in our past, it will help us remain thankful, even if we’re not yet in the place we’d ideally like to be.

And you might be in the midst of a situation you’d rather not be in. Life sometimes hands you things you’d rather not deal with. However, if you’re going to stay thankful, you can’t lose hope that God will turn your situation around.

You’ve got to believe that God will move in your future.

In today’s verse, we see that God did indeed move for the Israelites. He provided food for them from the sky. And God will do the same for you. I mean, you probably won’t get a bunch of manna in your backyard, but God will provide.

He always comes through, it’s just up to you to stay believing, not complain, and know that He will come through in your future!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Exodus 16:3

 At least there we had plenty to eat. We had all the food we needed. But now you have brought us out here into this desert to make us all die from hunger.” – Exodus 16:3 (ERV)

Have you ever given any thought to how to develop a habit of thankfulness? It’s certainly not easy. More than likely, you don’t have every pair of shoes you want, the car you want, the phone you want, the friends you want, the fame you want, or whatever else you want. Obviously, that list could go on and on.

So how do you practice thankfulness if you’re not feeling thankful?

First of all, learn from the Israelites. They did a really bad job at being thankful. They were professional complainers, so much so that they’d rather go back to being slaves. Isn’t that crazy?

Here’s what it boils down to. When we get into the habit of complaining, we are really choosing to not be thankful for what God has done in our past. We choose to not remember the ways that He’s come through for us, and the miracles He’s already done in our lives.

Also, we are showing that we don’t believe that He will come through for us in the future. Because if we believe He was going to come through for us in the future, we wouldn’t complain.

So what do we do? We have to remind ourselves of God’s goodness, and also build our faith for the future. If we’re convinced that God isn’t done writing our story, then we will have faith that He will continue to move on our behalf. Regardless of whether we see it yet or not.

So today, encourage yourself to practice being thankful. Realize that thankfulness starts when we are thankful for what God did in the past and hopeful for what He will do in the future.

Today’s Truth: Be thankful – believe that God will move in your future.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Exodus 16:2

Then the whole community of Israelites began complaining again. They complained to Moses and Aaron in the desert. They said, “It would have been better if the LORD had just killed us in the land of Egypt. – Exodus 16:2 (ERV)

So, be honest with yourself. How much complaining do you do? Do you find yourself daily complaining about the amount of math homework you have, or perhaps how many chores your mom makes you do?

Do you find that it’s pretty easy to find things in your life that are going wrong, and to not choose to be thankful? If you do, you’re not alone. Most of us, if we’re honest, default to complaining instead of thankfulness.

We often complain about each little thing that isn’t going exactly the way we want in life. This is exactly what the children of Israel did in the desert. They complained.

And it can be easy to look at their lives and think, what do they have to complain about? God had just done some miracles in their lives, they were no longer slaves. Why in the world were they complaining?

But the truth is, we do it too. Even in the midst of the miracle God might be working in your life right now, you can probably find something to complain about. Maybe your teacher didn’t treat you right. Perhaps you didn’t get the job you wanted, the list could go on. And instead of remembering the ways God has moved in your life in the past, you get into complaining.

Just like the children of Israel did. Yes, they had seen God move, recently. However, they took their eyes off that, and looked at what they didn’t have right then and began to complain.

Life is never going to be perfect. So the key to being happy is simply to be thankful for how God has moved in your life. And don’t forget to be thankful for how He has brought you through.

Today’s Truth: Be thankful for how God has moved in your life in the past.

Daily Bible Verse and Daily Devotion – Psalm 27:6

Then I will hold my head high above my enemies who surround me. At his sanctuary I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy, singing and praising the lord with music. – Psalm 27:6

What do you do when you have a bad day? Maybe you spend some time praying. Perhaps eating a bucket of ice cream is your go-to thing. I get it, there’s nothing better than junk food when you have a really bad day. Let’s look at what God’s word has to say about what we should do when we have a bad day.

Today’s Bible verse talks about singing and praising the lord with music. There’s something about singing and praising God that helps you get in a better mood. It doesn’t matter if you don’t sing well or can play an instrument. Just ask Alexa to play a worship song, or find some worship on YouTube. You can sing right along with a great worship band.

Worshiping God is one of the best things you can do when you have a bad day. So if you’re having a bad day, choose to sing to God. It will help you begin to enjoy your day and get your focus on God and all He’s done for you.

Today’s Truth: When You Have a Bad Day, Choose to Worship.