Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 37:23

The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. – Psalm 37:23 (NLT)

Have you ever watched a couple when they first started dating? They stare into each other’s eyes, giggle about every little thing the other person says. They have all these silly jokes. When people first start dating, the newness of their relationship makes them delight in each other. They can’t wait to see the other person. And just thinking of that person makes them smile.

God wants you to delight in Him. Not just to go to him on a Sunday for a little pep talk, but to really delight in Him. To be excited to spend time with Him and just hear what He has to say. He wants you to get to know Him and show you important things about your future.

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To get God’s plan for your future, you’ve got to invest some time into getting to know God. You’ve got to get into God’s word and be open to hear and act on what you hear Him speak. You’ve got to make yourself open to Him and his desires. As you do, God will direct your steps. He will show you the right decision to make and help you through the decision making process.

God wants to lead you and guide you. Be open to what He has to say and don’t be afraid to step out and do what He is telling you to do. Be fearless and step out today.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Judges 17:13

“I know the LORD will bless me now,” Micah said, “because I have a Levite serving as my priest.” – Judges 17:13 (NLT)

Have you ever tried to do things your own way? And then just asked God to bless it, hoping it would all work out? That’s a lot like what Micah was trying to do in Judges 17:13. He wasn’t doing anything the way God had asked Israel to do or in the way God had told them to worship. Instead, Micah was doing what he wanted, and then hoping that God would bless it.

And if we’re honest, how many times do we do that ourselves. Maybe we want to date someone that we know isn’t a good person for us to date. But we really think they’re cute, so we go ahead and date them, and just hope that God blesses it.

Or in future plans, maybe you really feel like God is calling you to one career, but maybe you think that others will think less of you if you pursue it. So instead, you do your own thing, hoping that God will bless it.

We do this all the time in many areas of our lives. We do what we want and hope that God will bless it. And it’s true that God does want to bless and help us. However, as true followers of Jesus, shouldn’t our desire be Him, and what He wants above all else? Shouldn’t we be trying to follow after Him, not what others think?

Today, challenge yourself to follow after God with your whole heart. Don’t be like Micah who tried to do his own thing and then just asked God to bless it at some point. Instead, go to God. Desire what He desires. And in doing so, you’ll find things work out for your good when you follow after Him.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Matthew 22:14

I never had any difficulty believing that God had a plan for my life. I wanted to do something big for God. In fact, I hated many times being a teenager and feeling like I had to wait until I was older to do something for God. Maybe you sometimes feel that way. Perhaps you wonder what God’s plan is for your life, or hope that it’s doing something really important or big.

For many are called, but few are chosen – Matthew 22:14

Today’s verse says that many are called, but few are chosen. What does that mean when it comes to fulfilling God’s plan for your life? I think it might mean that God is calling many people to do things for Him. But often, we want to be older before we do it. Or perhaps we think that we will fulfill God’s call for our life once we get a career or make enough money.

But I think today’s verse is saying many people are called to do something by God, but not all say yes to that calling. Often, we let fear hold us back. Maybe the thing we think God is calling us to seems too big. Perhaps He’s calling us to do something that is not where we feel comfortable. And so we wait and hesitate wondering if it’s really God.

The truth is, God is calling you. He has things for you to do now where you’re at. You don’t have to be more together or more successful. If God calls you, He will help you accomplish what He wants you to do. You just have to be willing. God is calling you, are you willing to do what He’s asking you to do? To not hesitate, but to step out into what He has for you?

Pray: God, I thank you that you’ve called me to something. Today I choose to not hesitate, but rather to step out into that calling, trusting that you will equip me to do the thing you’ve called me to do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. – Jer 29:11 (NIV)

Have you ever taken a career placement test? You took it and answered question after question. At the end of all the questioning, you were given a list of career choices that would be good for you based on your personality. These tests can be helpful, but they’re not the answer to everything.

Tests like these forget one major thing, God. God has a purpose and a plan for your life. To really find out which career path is right for you, you’ve got to start by going to God for His wisdom. We often go to our friends, family, and tests like these to determine what we should do with our lives. And while getting advice from others and taking tests is helpful, it shouldn’t be our only input.

Instead, we should be looking to God for what He wants for our lives. We should be asking Him which college to go to. We should be asking what career is a good fit for us? And then we should be willing to do what we hear Him say.

You’ll experience much less disappointment if you follow after God and His plan for your life. So if you haven’t yet, begin to ask Him what it is you should be doing Be willing to spend some time praying and don’t be afraid to act on what He says.

Read: 3 Practical Steps to Accomplishing Your Dreams

Daily Devotions and Bible Verse – 3 John 1:2

Dear friend, I pray that you may prosper in every way and be in good health physically just as you are spiritually. – 3 John 1:2 Holman

In this verse John is praying not only for the believers to prosper spiritually but also physically. Not only does God want you to be spiritually doing well but He also wants you to be doing well physically. God cares about all of you, not only how you are doing spiritually.

God wants you to prosper in every way. He wants you to do well in all aspects of your life. So no matter what it is that you struggle with and no matter what you’re going through, God wants to see you doing well. Challenge yourself to believe this truth. There may be times when you feel like God doesn’t care, but the truth is, God wants every area of your life blessed and doing well.

Whatever your need is today, whether it’s something spiritually, physically, or in any other way, go to God. Get His help for all of life’s challenges.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Corinthians 7:23

God paid a high price for you, so don’t be enslaved by the world. – 1 Corinthians 7:23 (NLT)

Have you noticed how easy it is to get sucked into the things going on around you? You might get pulled into being worried about your weight or looks. Perhaps you get sucked into worrying about your social status at school.

There are so many things yelling for your attention, it’s easy to get sucked into the superficial things of this world. However, today’s Bible verse tells us that God paid a high price for us. That means we matter and we’re important.

Today’s Truth: God paid a high price for us. That means we matter and are important.

When you spend some time thinking about how important you are to God and how much He loves you, it makes the stuff going on at school and home seem a bit less important. So today, spend some time thinking about your value to God. Remind yourself of how important you are to Him and how He paid a big price to bring you into His family. Be encouraged – you are important to God.



God paid a high price for us. That means we matter and are important.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)

There’s probably times when you wonder why should I read my Bible? Why does it matter? Its easy to treat God’s word like it’s some positive thoughts for the day, so you read it quick right before bed or on your way out of the house in the morning.

And you do get some good things out of it. But you realize that by the time your 10:30 AM math class starts, you kind have already forgotten what you read in the morning and now you’re concerned whether one of the girls in history class is spreading rumors about you.

The truth about the Bible is that it applies to every part of our lives. It’s not only some encouragement for the morning, but it applies to your friendships, your math class, and your relationships with other people.

The Bible isn’t an ordinary book. It’s a book that’s there to help you understand the things you face. It explains why you’re here and ever issue that you face. But to experience it’s power you have to believe it and get it into your heart.

That sometimes takes some work, but it’s worth it. So today, realize that the Bible applies to everything you face. Spend time getting it into your heart and into your life.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Eph 4:29

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. – Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)

Today’s verse is a challenge. It talks about us taking responsibility for what we say. It’s not up to God to watch what comes out of your mouth, or stop you when you’re about to say something bad. Today’s verse implies that this is our responsibility. It’s up to us to guard the words we speak.

We shouldn’t be letting any thought or feeling just fly out of our mouths. Instead, we should pay attention to what we speak and choose to speak life-giving words.

Choose today to be more careful about what you say. Your words are powerful, so be sure that you’re using words that build others up and help them. Choose to speak words of life today!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Colossians 3:15

‘Let your heart be always guided by the peace of the Anointed One, who called you to peace as part of his one body. And always be thankful.’ Colossians 3:15 (TPT)

Have you noticed how easy it is to lose your peace? You might have an upcoming test and you let worry in your life. You feel afraid that you wont get the grade you need and it makes you want to quit. It might feel like all the pressures of life are coming at you and you may feel like you’ve lost your peace.

The good news is that we can experience peace even when it seems like everything around us is going wrong. It’s not that we are ignoring bad circumstances, but rather, we can have peace because of who we know. We know Jesus and that relationship allows us to live life at peace.

Even when life gets out of control, Jesus is your peace. When those thoughts of worry about a test come, you have to choose to believe what the Bible says and focus your thoughts on Jesus. In Jesus, there is no need for us to fear. You have been made right in God’s sight and that righteousness lets you live a life that is free from fear, stress, and failure. You’ve just got to choose to not allow your thoughts of worry and fear grow.

So today, choose to guard your thoughts. Choose to set your thoughts on Jesus and experience His peace even in the middle of difficult circumstances. Jesus will see you through.

Daily Devotional with Bible Verse – Colossians 2:9

For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body.
– Colossians 2:9 (NTL)

This is an amazing verse. It says that all the fullness of God lives in Jesus Christ. He did this in a human body. Jesus was fully God while also being fully a man.

This truth is not only astounding, it’s also a key to us living a new life now that we are Christians. If Jesus could have all of God living in Himself as a human, now we can to. In fact that is now a reality. How, you may ask? Because God is a spirit, and now we are a new born again spirit, we can have this same empowerment that Jesus has. We can have all of this fullness of God involved in our human body by yielding to Him and His Word (the Bible).

Today, instead of feeling powerless and defeated, you can feel empowered and an over comer. You do this by acknowledging that just like Jesus, you now have God living on the inside of you. In your spirit, you and Jesus are one. You have all the fullness of God in you just like He does. This is powerful stuff! The new testament scriptures are all about bringing this truth into reality for you. Search any time the new testament says, “In Him”.  You’ll find a list of verses that tell us who we now are through what Jesus has done.