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Daily Bible Verse

These daily Bible verses are packed with great content. As teens read them they will grow in their walk with God. Also included are devotions which will help teens know God’s love in a deeper way.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Corinthians 13:4

You’ve got a crush. And all you can think about is that person and how happy you’d be if you were in a relationship with them. You lie awake at night, thinking about how cute they are, and all the great things about them.

So how do you know if they are a person you should date? 

Here’s our advice to you: wait. Before you jump into a relationship, wait a bit. Take an honest look at your crush. You might see all the great things about them, but what about those areas where they aren’t so awesome?

Are those things deal breakers for you?

It would be better to discover those things now, rather than to have your heart broken in the future. There’s nothing to gain by being hasty. Instead, challenge yourself to take a little time to reflect on whether your crush truly is someone you’d like to date.

Today’s Truth: Hastiness leads to heartbreak.

The Bible describes love as being patient. There’s nothing wrong with being patient and waiting before you get involved in a relationship.

Hastiness leads to heartbreak. A smart dater chooses to wait and honestly evaluates before getting into a relationship.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. – 1 Cor 13:4 (NIV)

So today, if you’ve got a crush, take some time to evaluate before you enter a relationship with them. Do they have some areas in their life that will be deal-breakers for you in the future? If so, avoid the heartache of a broken relationship and decide now not to date them.

e-book on dating for teens imageIf you’d like to pursue godly relationships and healthier dating habits, check out our e-book, Date Smarter. It has 5 devotions, prayers and lots of great advice to help you date smarter.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Matthew 5:14

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. – Matthew 5:14 (NIV)

As Christians, we are called to be light. We are to shine Jesus and show Jesus to the world around us. So what does that have to do with our talk the last few days about marriage, family and relationships?

Well, as Christians, we should be living our lives different from the way the world lives. We should be following Jesus in our relationships. That means that our sexuality, our relationships, our marriages should be defined by what God says, not by the culture around us.

As Christians, we should be living for God. We should be embracing who God made us to to be, not what someone else tells you you are. That means that if you don’t know what the Bible has to say about relationships, dating, family, marriage or any subject, you should begin to learn.

Begin to research what the Bible says about these topics. Find out what God says so that you can defend what you believe and be light to the world around you. God has put you here on the earth in this time in history. So stand up, boldly defend what you believe and know that you have been called to be light in the world around you!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Genesis 2:18-25

Yesterday, we talked about how if we don’t know the purpose of something, then we don’t know really why it was created. In our world today, there are all kinds of different ideas about sex, marriage, and sexuality. But, if we want to know why something like marriage and family exists, we should go to the person who created it.

The Bible gives us the first example of a marriage and a family in Genesis 2. This is a longer passage, but it’s good to read the whole thing so that we know what God said.

18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.

But for Adam[a] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[b] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[c] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

23 The man said,

“This is now bone of my bones
    and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
    for she was taken out of man.”

24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

25 Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. – Genesis 2:18-25

This verse describes to us the first marriage and the first family. It also shows us how God intended this relationship to be.

However, in our world today, many people think that no one should tell them how to live their lives. They believe that no one person can tell me who or what I am. The trouble with this attitude is that it leaves God out. God actually is that one being who can tell you what to do and how to live your life.

He has the right to do this because He created you and He loves you. He is the one who gives your life purpose and meaning. So go to His Word to get the definition of marriage and family.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is an occasion for everything, and a time for every activity under heaven: – Ecclesiastes 3:1 (HCSB)

Let’s pretend that you’ve never seen a phone before. You had no idea what it was or what it could do. What would you do? Perhaps you’d ask someone. Maybe you’d find some people and ask them what it was. Those people could tell you what they thought it was used for.

Let’s say that one of the people said it made a good flashlight, and showed you how the light on the phone worked. Another said the phone was used to hold papers in place from blowing away. A third person told you how they used the phone as a camera.

So you’d come away with the idea that a phone is a good paperweight, flashlight, and camera. But if you really wanted to know what a phone did, you’d need to go to the person who created the phone and they could tell you all the ins and outs of how it worked and what it could do.

In the same way, when it comes to marriage, sex, sexuality, we need to go to the creator of those things to define them. If all your information about these issues comes from other people, you might not be getting the whole picture. So who created marriage? Who made sex and our sexuality? Well, God did.

Today’s Truth: Build your thinking on God’s Word

So to know the purpose of these things, we need to look to the Bible. In the Bible, God has recorded His purpose in these things. So over the next few days, we’ll look at some scriptures to show what God created and designed from the Bible. Because as Christians we should be building all of our thinking on God’s Word.

Fads, ideas, and opinions change, but God’s word stays the same. He created marriage, sex, and sexuality for a purpose and a time in our lives so let’s see what He says about it in His word.

Build your thinking on God's Word

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Matthew 6:33

We started last week talking a bit about dating relationships. Today we’re going to look into it a little more.

Have you ever thought about the fact that the person you’re dating, if you’re in a relationship, most likely won’t be the person you marry? Most relationships, especially when you are young come to an end. Yes, there are exceptions to that rule, but most do end. And if they end, then when you’re in the relationship, you should keep that in mind. Why? Because it will help you keep a proper perspective on your relationship.

Because if you know your relationship more than likely will end, then it keeps you from putting too much into it. Here are some examples.

If you know your relationship will end, it keeps you from putting too much time into it. Let’s say that you spend all your time with the person you date. So much so that you begin to ignore your other friendships. What happens when that relationship ends? Have your friends made all new friends and aren’t as willing to hang out with you any more?

Today’s Truth: Most Dating Relationships End, Don’t Invest too Much into them.

How about money? What if you spend lots of money on the person you date. Maybe you buy them nice gifts. What happens when the relationship ends? Do you think you’d wish you’d have spent less on them?

What about your imagination? Have you spent time thinking about your future with this person? Maybe you have your hopes up that they’re the person you’ll marry, and so you spend so much time imagining your future together. What if the relationship ends? What does that mean for you?

The same things can be said about how much you give physically, how much of your heart you give away, and how much energy you put into the relationship.

Be sure when you date that you don’t put too much into your relationship. Take caution to guard your heart and don’t give away too much in your relationships. Know that God is the one who you’re supposed to give your all to. Giving everything to another person puts them in the place of God in your life which isn’t healthy.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. – Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

Set good boundaries in your relationships. Don’t give away too much, and always guard your relationship with God. By seeking God first in your relationships, all the other things will be added back to you as well.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Ephesians 2:10

We’re talking about dating and relationships this week. And as we’ve mentioned before, when it comes to dating, we should really get God’s perspective on it, not just do what everyone else is doing. Because sometimes the majority is wrong. As Christians, our goal should be living lives that are godly, and we do this by following what the Bible has to say above all else.

So with that in mind, here’s another truth about dating.

Today’s Truth: You are chosen in Christ.

So often, we feel good about ourselves when we’re selected. For example, if all your friends have dates to a school dance, and you don’t, you often feel bad. Why? You want to be chosen. You feel that if you’re in a relationship, and someone wants to be with you, that makes you more desirable.

See, we have a wrong idea about where our worth comes from. Often we lean so much to what others think, if they accept us, and when they do we feel good about ourselves.

However, judging your worth on those standards will always come up short. We should judge our worth based on a standard that doesn’t change, which is God’s word.

That’s not easy to do, because our culture has taken their eyes off Jesus, and put relationships and sexuality as idols. From movies, to books, to social media, relationships, sexuality things like that are at the forefront. And it’s easy to get caught up in it all. However, those things were never meant to define you. Instead, we’re to be putting our eyes on Jesus.

We should be going to Jesus to define our worth. And the good news is that He says we’re worth a lot. He gave up everything of heaven because we were worth so much to Him. So when you begin to question your worth, when you begin to wonder if you’re loved and valued, know this, Jesus accepts you in a way that no one else could. He loves you, and wants the best for your life.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. – Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Exodus 20:3-4

Over the next few days, we’re going to talk about relationships, sex, sexuality, and dating. These topics aren’t easy to cover. Lots of people have many different opinions about what is right in our world today. However, instead of going to research, opinions, and what everyone thinks is right, as Christians we should be going to the Bible for the answers to these questions.

So let’s go to God’s word, and see what He has to say about some of these topics. Today, we’re going to talk a little about dating. As a young person, you might be dating or considering dating someone.

So here’s a truth about dating. The people in your life are to share life with you, not to be your meaning or existence. That means that when you’re dating, you’ve got to put the proper perspective on your relationship.

Today’s Truth: The people in your life are there to share life with you, not to define you.

Are you looking to the person you date to bring you fulfillment? Are you looking to that person to bring you meaning, or give you worth in your life? If so, you need to reevaluate your relationship. The people in your life are not meant to bring you meaning or purpose. They are there to share life with you, not define you.

The only one who should be giving you purpose is God.

“You must not have any other god but me. “You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. – Exodus 20:3 (NLT)

You might read this verse and think, yeah, but I’m not making a carved idol or worshipping the devil or anything, and think you’re ok. But here’s the thing. God wants your heart. Anything that steals your heart away from God is an idol. So is your relationship doing that?

Are you looking to a relationship to define you, give you purpose, or fulfill you? If so, that relationship could be an idol in your life. If all your thoughts, energy, and emotions are spent on your relationship, it’s possible that you’re giving that relationship too much room in your life.

So today, truthfully evaluate your life. Is God the one giving you your purpose and meaning? Or have you let relationships or something else do that instead. Don’t beat yourself up if you need to make an adjustment. Simply go to God and adjust your course to let Him be that in your life instead of someone else.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Thessalonians 5:22-23

You probably know what to do to be healthy. You know that you should exercise, eat good things, and drink lots of water. When you do these things, your body stays healthy. God not only wants your body to be healthy, He also wants your mind and spirit to be healthy as well.

How do you keep your mind healthy? One way you can do that is to begin to have healthy relationships.

When it comes to relationships, God’s goal is that you’re whole. He cares about all of you, your spirit, soul, and your body. See what He says in this verse.

Stay away from every kind of evil. Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. – 1 Thessalonians 5:22-23 (NLT)

God wants you to be healthy in every way, not just in your body. Why? Because He loves you that much. He’s not giving guidelines in your relationships to keep you from having fun or from enjoying something. Instead, it’s to keep your body, spirit, and soul whole.

Over the next few days, we’re going to talk about relationships. We’re not discussing this topic to make you feel bad, or feel like there’s a bunch of rules you have to follow. Instead, we want to share God’s word with you in the hope that you will choose to pursue relationships that keep your spirit, soul, and body healthy.

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Luke 5:13

Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared. – Luke 5:13 (NLT)

This man asked a question in the previous verse (Luke 5:12). He said, “I know you can but are you willing”. When faced with a problem, we often know that God can heal, forgive or help us but we struggle with wondering if He is willing. Jesus was God in the flesh and He was showing mankind that He is willing to help, heal and forgive.

We also can be tricked by the devil into believing that God would be willing to do it for others but not for us. We wonder if we’ve been too bad or haven’t done enough good things to receive. However, this is not the attitude of Jesus. He is the reason we can receive anything from God. We receive when we believe in Him and what He did not on what we have done or haven’t done.

Today’s Truth: Jesus is able and willing to help, heal, forgive and restore.

Today is your day to believe God and know that He is not only able to help, heal, forgive and restore you but that He is WILLING!

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 15:13

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. – Romans 15:13 (NLT)

I remember when a family member of mine died. It was really tough on my faith and I had a hard time walking in peace and joy. I was upset and didn’t know how to effectively deal with the loss of this person in my life.

During the difficult season, I felt God encourage me that I had a reason to hope. I was going to see my loved one again. In the middle of a season of loss, or even just a trying time in your life it can be easy to want to give up on hope. You can begin to believe that it will never get better and that things will never change. However, regardless of how dark things look, God can be your source of hope.

Things don’t always get better instantly, but if you place your trust and hope in God, He sees you through. His wisdom speaking to you through scriptures and through the Holy Spirit will give you the insight and encouragement you need to keep going.

Today’s Truth: God wants to Give you hope

So today, if you’ve been struggling, know there is hope. Ask God for His encouragement and don’t give up. God wants to bring you confident hope!

Romans 15:13