Have you ever met someone that said they were a good person? Maybe they try to do good things, and would probably say they’re a good person. But will that be enough? Will that person spend eternity in heaven? And the answer is no. No matter how hard you or they try, there isn’t enough good that you can do to earn God’s love or salvation.
We all have sinned. Even the best of us.
since all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of God, – Romans 3:23 (AMP)
The good news about all this is that God knew this about us. He knew we’d continually mess up. That we’d never be able to do enough good on our own. And that’s why He planned from the beginning of the world a solution.
Today’s Truth: God loved you enough to do whatever it took to bring you back to Him.
The solution would be something that cost Him everything. And yet, it was worth it to God. Because He loved you and me. He had such a passion to bring us back into right standing with Him that He was ready to pay whatever the cost.
Knowing this helps you see your value. You can begin to realize that even if you’ve missed it and messed up, to God, you’re worth everything. He loves you and gave all He had to help you out of your sin!