Or do you despise the riches of His kindness, restraint, and patience, not recognizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? – Romans 2:4 (HCSB)
I heard the story once of a teenager who had really disobeyed her dad. She had gone against his wishes, lied, disobeyed and deserved a great punishment. Her dad did something amazing. Instead of giving her the punishment she deserved, he spent some time with her and took her out for ice cream.
This isn’t the response we expect from our parents when we disobey. We usually expect grounding, time out or some sort of punishment. Instead of what she deserved, her dad showed her kindness. Her dad, being a Christian, wanted her to experience what God’s grace was like. It was a lesson the young lady really remembered. Instead of getting what she deserved, she got grace.
That reminds me a lot of today’s Bible verse. In the passage, we see that God’s kindness leads us to repentance. God treats us like that father with his daughter. We don’t deserve good things because of sin. And yet, God is kind to us. He loves us, and doesn’t give us what we deserve, but rather gives us kindness.
This kindness isn’t to give us an excuse to keep on sinning. The kindness helps draw us to God because when we’re aware of our sin and what we deserve, and realize what God did for us, we can’t help loving Him. We want to know Him more and understand what He did for us better.
So today, be encouraged, God loves you, He treats you with kindness and is on your side!