Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 90:12

Teach us to number our days,
    that we may gain a heart of wisdom. – Psalm 90:12 (NIV)

Have you ever wished that you were more productive? Maybe that you did a better job with getting all the things done that need to be done each day? I know I have more than once.

There’s usually lots of homework, your job, your friends, your chores, your sports and other activities that keep your head spinning and you wondering how you will fit it all in.

One thing that God has recently been showing me is that even in the busiest of days, we can go to Him and ask for His wisdom in numbering and ordering our days. Many times, I’ve wondered how to fit in all the things I need to do each day. When I’ve gone to God and prayer and asked for His help, He has always been so faithful. Time after time, He has given me an idea of what to do and how to move things around in my life so that I have the time for Him.

The same is true for you. Yes, you’re probably busy. There are the demands of life, but God can help you with those things. If you’ll ask Him for wisdom, He will show you how you can count your days and get all the things that need to be done, done in your life. So today, don’t be afraid to ask Him. He is faithful and will always help you with the wisdom that you need to get those things in life done.

Today’s Truth: Ask God’s wisdom for getting things done each day.

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