Fear is real. A lot of the time, it has a loud voice in our lives. It influences the decisions we make, the amount of sleep we get at night, and many other things.
Today’s Bible verse gives us some insight into fear.
I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? – Psalm 56:4 (NLT)
In today’s verse, we see that the Psalmist writes that he trusts in God, so why should he be afraid. That level of trust in God is amazing. The fact that he placed greater trust in God than on what he might have been facing really challenges me.
See it doesn’t matter what you’re facing. What matters is that you have trust in your God. Regardless of how bad it might look, regardless of how things might seem, when you place your trust fully in God, you have nothing to fear.
That’s good news. If you struggle with trusting God, a good way to build that trust is to read about the things He’s done for others in the Bible. Reading the stories of how God helped Abraham and the children of Israel through some really difficult seasons can help you build your faith in a God who is always working on the behalf of His children.

January 28, 2022 at 5:14 amThankyou for these past few devotions, they have been really what I need, cheeky Holy Spirit!
But I have been struggling lately and feel like nothing I do is worth God’s love. Like I praise God and read the Bible, but there’s this voice in my head telling me I’m not loving and serving God enough, even though I know I will never be perfect I find myself asking forgiveness from God over and over. And I know the voice isn’t God’s but I can’t shake it. And just when I feel like I might have shaken it, it comes back. And I feel like everything I do is a sin, when it’s not!
I don’t know if you can help but thankyou for your devotions and the time and effort you put in to them.
I appreciate it!!!❤️
January 29, 2022 at 10:33 amHey Annette!
I understand. I’m going through some trying times now. Trying to decipher what God is telling me too. What’s sin and what isn’t?!
Remember, there is no Condemnation in Christ Jesus! When we submit to God, the devil (that negative voice) has to flee! It has to cease!
Be encouraged – and don’t be afraid to continue to ask God to lead you – he will not lie to you! He will go before you and protect you!