Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 42:2

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
    When will I come and appear before God? – Psalm 42:2 (MEV)

Can you remember who your best friend was your first year of school? If you can remember, do you still talk to them? Are they still one of your closest friends? For some, the answer might be yes, you still talk to that friend. But for others, like myself, my friend has moved away.

I no longer have any communication with that friend. As a result, we’re not really good friends any more. This is not due to any kind of fallout, or us no longer liking each other. Instead, we simply aren’t around each other, and as a result, we don’t talk that often.

Our relationship with God can be the same way. It’s up to us to determine our closeness to God. God is always near, but if we never reach out to talk to Him, we will never know Him. God has made Himself knowable to us, but we have to want to know Him in return.

As we spend time in reading our Bibles, prayer, worship, and thinking about Him, our nearness and desire for Him grows. In today’s verse, we see that David was thirsting for time with God. He loved God, and knew Him and as a result desired more time and fellowship with God.

We can have the same connection with God. God isn’t far off or hard to know. But He needs you to want to know Him. As you desire Him, He shows Himself more and more real to you. As a result, your knowledge and relationship with Him grows.

So today, realize that God wants to make Himself known to you. Determine to spend some time getting to know Him and see that your desire for Him grow.

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