Let those who want my vindication shout for joy and be glad; let them continually say,” The LORD be exalted. He takes pleasure in His servant’s well-being.” – Psalm 35:27 (HSCB)
This year hasn’t been exactly what any of us would have expected. That might mean that Christmas doesn’t feel exactly like a normal Christmas to you.
Perhaps your family has decided to not meet together for Christmas and it makes Christmas seem pretty lame.
In the middle of all of that, it’s easy to become sad and lose your joy.
Today’s Challenge: Practice Joy
That’s where today’s challenge comes in. Christmas might not feel or look normal to you, but it’s a good opportunity to practice joy.
You can’t control your circumstances or your family. However, you can control your response to those things. You get to choose whether you’re happy or sad. And your response can make Christmas fun or can make it really bad for everyone around you.
So challenge yourself this year to practice joy. Even in the middle of 2020. Even if you’re not excited about going to your aunt’s house. You can still choose joy and turn a bad situation into a better one, simply by changing your attitude.