I want you to imagine for a moment that your family has a car. You use it to get to school, your parents use it to get to work. The car belongs to your family.
Let’s pretend that one day I come to visit your house. Without asking, I decided that I’m going to get your car’s keys and that I’m going to drive it wherever I want. What would you do?
You’d probably be mad. Most likely you would confront me and ask what I was thinking by taking the car.
And you’d be totally justified in doing that. Why? It’s your family’s car. When something is yours you get to have a say in what happens to it.
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. – Psalm 24:1 (NLT)
Today’s Bible verse is very similar to the idea of the car being taken. God created the world. It’s His world, and as creator, He has the right to have a say about how we live our lives. He has the right to do this because He created us.
Now, we can choose to ignore what God says. We can choose to live our lives as we see fit. God gives us that freedom, however, living our lives however we think is right is pride. When we say that we can determine what’s right and wrong for us, we’re saying that God isn’t the Lord of our lives and that we’re not submitting our thoughts and desires to Him and what His word says.
Today’s Truth: Calling all the shots in your life is pride.
Today, determine to examine your life. Have you been calling all the shots? Or have you let God have a say in the way you live your life?