Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 23:3

He refreshes and restores my soul (life);
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
for His name’s sake. – Psalm 23:3 (AMP)

Have you ever been really weary? I remember a time when I went biking with friends on a really hot day in summer. We rode for a long time, and I did not drink enough water during the trip. When we got to the end, I collapsed. I felt weary, sick, and weak all because I failed to drink enough during the bike ride.

That reminds me a lot of today’s verse. When we’re weary in life, God tells us that He will refresh and restore our soul. That’s good news. Life and the troubles of life can sometimes take a lot out of us. But we don’t have to keep going on in our own strength. Rather we can rely on God. We can look to Him for refreshing and restoration when we’re weary.

So if life has bogged you down with worry, weariness, and stress know that there’s hope. God will not leave you without hope or help. He has promised refreshing.

Go to God. Spend time in His Prescence. Let Him be what you need to get through the tough times that you face. You’re not alone. It might feel like you are, but the truth is you’re not. God never leaves you. Be refreshed knowing He loves you and wants to restore your soul!

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