The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the LORD are firm, and all of them are righteous. – Psalm 19:9 (NIV)
Has reading the Bible ever seemed boring, not relevant or just overwhelming to you? If you say yes, you’re not alone. It can seem like a huge task to spend time reading your Bible. Especially when social media is way more interesting.
However, God’s word is important. The Bible tells us that all of the decrees of the Lord are firm and righteous. That means that God’s word should be important to us.
It’s in God’s word we find meaning for life when life seems hopeless. The Bible shows us our worth and gives us meaning for life. All the things we see around us come back to the Bible. The Bible makes sense of the world around us.
So today, take some time to spend in the Bible. Whether it’s listening to it being read to you on your phone or reading the paper version, make time for it. Let it speak to you and bring truth into your life.