I have a friend that I really enjoy. Each time we hang out, I feel energized. There’s something about the way we connect that makes me enjoy our time together. How about you? Do you have a friend that you really connect with?
We all enjoy friendships like that. However, we really find enjoyment in our relationship with God. Let’s read today’s verse.
Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands. – Psalm 112:1 (NIV)
After reading this verse, you might think that you’ve got to be afraid of God or something. That’s not what the verse is about, instead it’s telling us that as we talk to God, we get blessed. Here’s why: we get blessed because we get insight on how to best live our lives. A relationship with God fulfills us like nothing else can. There’s no true fulfillment in life without relationship with God.
So today, don’t develop a relationship with God because you want God to bless you. Develop a relationship with Him because you love Him. Realize that in loving Him and getting to know Him that you will be truly blessed.
Challenge yourself to spend some time talking to God today. Don’t allow the busyness of life keep you from getting time with Him. Make knowing Him a priority. Find delight in reading the Bible. Delight in searching the scriptures, and learning what they mean and why they were written.
Today’s Truth: You’re blessed because of your relationship with God.