A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls. – Proverbs 25:28 (NLT)
What do you think of when you think of self-control? For most of us, it’s a pretty boring topic. Who really likes the idea of controlling yourself and saying no to all the fun things in life?
It’s more fun to lose your temper. To get upset and to yell at your mom when you’re really mad. It’s more fun to eat all the chips you want and watch TV until 3AM.
The problem is, when we lack self-control it can tear our lives down. Self control is important to have because without it we can destroy relationships. We can tear down trust. If we don’t learn to control our actions and words, in the long run it can lead us in a bad direction.
That’s why the Bible tells us about self-control. It’s not because God’s trying to stop us from having fun. Rather, it’s because God wants good things for our lives. He doesn’t want our relationships destroyed. He doesn’t want us doing things we will later regret and pay for in life.
So today, ask yourself if there are areas where you need to develop greater self-control. If you’re prone to lose your temper and say unkind things, ask God for helpful ideas on how you can control yourself. Developing self-control is one of the greatest things you can do for you and for your future.
November 1, 2023 at 2:06 amThankyou for all your devotions that you send out!
Unfortunately, I believe temptation is a big way most of us lose control. We are tempted by things that can appear good and fun, but lead to destruction in the long run.
Again, thankyou for what you write!
November 1, 2023 at 4:49 pmThis is an amazing devotional thank you so much for the help