I remember each year getting ready to go back to school. For me, going back to school wasn’t a time I was excited about. I was always anxious about what the next year would bring.
I’d begin to worry about whether I’d remember everything for the first day of school. I’d be anxious about finding the right classrooms. Sometimes, I’d even stay up at night worrying about these things.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. – Philippians 4:6
What I didn’t realize was that I didn’t need to carry that worry. I didn’t need to lose sleep over whether I’d find the right classroom or remember the right stuff for school.
I could have relaxed, realizing that I had supernatural help from God. God was there to help me remember everything I needed. He was willing to help me with getting my locker open and finding the right classroom.
Today’s Truth: Relax, You Have Supernatural Help From God
Being anxious about going back to school is easy. It’s the default response to something unknown, like how the school year will be.
God wants you to walk free from anxiety. And that starts when you put your full trust in Him. When you reach out and know that He will help you, deliver you, and give you everything you need.
Take a Moment to Pray: Jesus, I want to ask for your help this year at school. I choose to not worry, but rather pray about everything that concerns me. I know that you love me and will help me to be a success this year at school. In your name, I pray, Amen.
Think About and Discuss
- What concerns you most about the upcoming school year?
- What are some concerns you can take to Jesus in prayer for this school year?
- During this school year, what is one thing you can do to remember that you have supernatural help from God?