I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:14
If you’re like most people, you’ve set some goals for the new year. Maybe you want to lose some weight, read your Bible more, or some other thing. You’ve probably written those things down, but it’s easy after a few weeks to forget about your goals and stop moving toward them.
The key to accomplishing any goal is to take small steps toward the goal and not quit. If you keep moving in the direction of your goal, even when it gets hard and you’d rather do something else, you’ll have good results.
If you want to read your Bible more, don’t wait for a huge chunk of time and then read your Bible for 3 hours straight. Instead, press a little each day toward your goal. For example, choose to read your Bible for five minutes before you go to bed each night. Use little moments and make them count. Doing that will make you more likely to succeed and accomplish your goals.
Choose today to pursue godly goals and keep pressing toward them until you’ve seen them come to pass in your life. Don’t stop. Keep taking steps every day to your goals.
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