With the New Year comes all kinds of planning and resolutions. You might resolve to eat better, do better at school, practice your instrument more for band. The list could go on. This week, we’ll talk about some goals to consider adding to your list.
Goal #1 – Knowing God.
This one might make you think, well, yeah, of course. But seriously look at this one. Do you know God? Have you prioritized developing a relationship with Him? Or have you put the idea of knowing Him on pause for awhile. Perhaps your job, playing sports, and hanging out with friends has distracted you from really getting to know Him.
The truth is, in everything we do, knowing God should be our goal. Why? Success without God isn’t success at all. If we make tons of friends, do well in sports, and at school, but haven’t known God, what will we have to show at the end of our lives?
I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, – Philippians 3:10 (NIV)
Knowing God should be our number one goal. God wants to speak into your life. He will show you things to come, help you out on a math test, and bring blessing and peace into your life in such amazing ways. It’s just up to you to spend some time getting to know Him.
You do this through worship, prayer, and reading your Bible. So in all your goal setting this year, take some time to think through how you’ll make room in your life for the things of God. Don’t get so busy with all the “stuff” of life that you forget that any success without God is empty.