Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Matthew 7:26

But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. – Matthew 7:26 (NIV)

I remember all the stress of school. I hated how many friends that I thought were Christians fell to peer pressure. I couldn’t understand why they said they believed God and wanted to live for Him, yet their actions seemed to contradict that.

It wasn’t until more recently, that I began to find answers to why this happens. One of the things I learned was that it’s our actions, not what we say that really show what we believe. And then it hit me. My friends often would say the right thing, but their actions didn’t match it.

It’s in our actions that we show others what we believe. And it can be in any area. It might be in the area of fear. Perhaps you’re afraid, but you know that God’s word says you shouldn’t fear. But fear cripples you, and you make decisions more in line with the things you’re afraid of rather than what God’s word says. And really, this can apply in any area, not just fear.

Any time we let other things take priority in our life other than the Bible, we fall off course. What the Bible says should influence our actions. It should be how we make decisions. But often, we allow the things we feel, see or hear influence us more than the Bible. Our actions show what we believe. So if you believe God, do your actions match up? Or do you need to spend some more time with God to get those things to line up with His word?

Don’t feel bad if sometimes your actions don’t match what you believe. We all have times we doubt, we all have times we make mistakes. God is there to lift you up when you fall. Yet God remains loving and good to us in spite of how we mess up. Thank Him for that today!

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