Don’t you hate being anxious? Especially when you’re feeling that awful feeling in the pit of your stomach that just won’t seem to go away. Anxiety is something we all seem to deal with from time to time. Let’s look today at some truths about how God wants us to handle anxiety.
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?… – Matthew 6:30 (BSB)
In today’s verse, we see that God really shows us that He will take care of our day-to-day needs. It’s so easy to begin to worry if you’ll be able to stand in front of your class and give a presentation, but if you’ll focus on God and His help for you each day, you begin to see that you can make it.
The truth is, when we’re anxious, we’re really not trusting God. God’s best for our lives is to trust Him and rest in His goodness. That’s often really hard to do. We’d rather carry our worries and concerns. It takes faith to trust, rest and believe that God’s really got the solution to the things that make us anxious.
Challenge: Practice Resting Knowing God’s Got It!
Pray: God, I thank you that you have the answer to the things that make me anxious. Today I choose to rest and trust that you’ve got the answer to my anxiety. Amen.
If stress has got you consumed and you can’t think about anything else, check out this e-devotion. It’s 5 days long and it has practical tips to help you deal with stress.