It’s easy now that you’re back in school to get really busy. Homework, band, choir, sports practices, and friends all take up a lot of your time. In the busyness of life, it’s often easy to neglect your spiritual development.
Today’s Bible verse helps us put a proper perspective on spending time with God.
But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. – Luke 5:16 NLT
Jesus often went out by himself to pray. He knew how important time with God was. He went and got recharged spiritually and simply loved spending time with His father.
We are no different. We also need time with our heavenly father. It helps encourage us and should give us pleasure as we spend time in God’s presence.
If you’ve allowed yourself to get too busy for God in this season, see if you can find time to get away and spend praying and reading your Bible. You don’t have to set aside hours upon hours. Just a few minutes before bed, or right when you get up will make a big difference.
Determine to spend time enjoying your heavenly father, just like Jesus did!
Today’s Truth: Find time to spend with God, you won’t regret it.