Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Luke 5:16

But Jesus often slipped away from them and went into the wilderness to pray. – Luke 5:16 (TPT)

What do you do when you’re bored? Do you run to YouTube for something to do? Maybe you like to open Snapchat or fill boredom with TV. And don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of a funny or interesting YouTube video. However, it’s easy to often fill every moment of our lives with something so that we never get a chance to hear God speak. I believe, if we’re being really honest, we simply don’t like being bored.

If you want to grow in your relationship with God, however, you’ve got to learn to practice being quiet. If you’re always filling up the silence in your life with other things, how will you hear God speak? In order to know God better, you’ve got to listen to what He says.

Today’s Challenge: Practice Quiet

This week, we’re making five challenges to help you grow in your relationship with God. Today’s challenge is for you to practice being quiet. What do you think would happen in your life if you spent a few minutes each day this week practicing being quiet with God?

What if you unplugged for five minutes a day, turned off your iPod or phone and just spent time listening to God speak into your life?

What would that look like? How might your life be different?

[Tweet “To hear from God, you’ve got to practice being quiet – @studentdevos”]

For you to grow in your relationship with God, you’re going to have to give God times to speak to you. So today, find a place you can be quiet. It might be in the bathroom when you wake up. Maybe in your bed right before sleeping. Wherever it is, choose today to take some time to unplug and let God speak to you.

Read the Other Challenges

  1. Day 2 – Challenge: Practice Generosity
  2. Day 3 – Challenge: Practice Community
  3. Day 4 – Challenge: Practice Thankfulness
  4. Day 5 – Challenge:  Practice Identity

Teen Devotion - Growing in GodIf you’d like a PDF copy of this 5-day challenge as well as some bonus content for further study, feel free to download Every Teenager’s Guide to Growing in God. 

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