The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. – Lamentations 3:22 (NLT)
Sometimes, it’s hard to comprehend God’s love for us. We often let the circumstances in our life determine how loved we feel. However, God’s love for us never ends. It’s not dependent on circumstances being good or bad. It’s not determined by how good we are. God’s love for us started long, long ago.
When God created humankind, God already knew us and loved us. His love for us doesn’t change with time or with circumstances. Throughout history, God has been loving us. Even when we were sinners, He sent Christ to die for us. (Romans 5:8)
So today, if you’ve gone through a tough season in your life that’s caused you to question God’s love for you, know this. God loves you. Nothing changes that. Nothing can stop that. God has worked throughout history to provide a solution for your sin in Jesus. (Romans 5:19)
So today, choose to believe that love. Choose to walk in that love. Let God’s love not your circumstances determine your worth. Walk free today, knowing you’re loved and that love never ends.