We’ve been looking this week at the evidence that Jesus presented the Jewish leaders with that spoke to Him being God. One of these pieces of evidence would be difficult to come up with. When we have five of them, it’s very tough to imagine that Jesus is lying. Let’s take a look at today’s evidence.
You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, – John 5:39 (NIV)
In today’s verse we see that Jesus points to scripture testifying of Him. Now this is one of the hardest pieces of evidence to forge. Why? Because Jesus would have had to be able to fake where He was born. He would have had to fake things that would have been almost impossible to fake. Things that He had no control over, like His lineage or birthplace.
The scriptures speak to Jesus being the son of God. This is the final piece of evidence that Jesus presents to the Jewish leaders.
We like those Jewish leaders have a choice. We can hear all the evidence for Jesus and still choose to not believe. Or we can choose to accept the evidence, believe that it’s true and put our faith in Him. The choice, just like the one for those leaders is ours. However, if we examine the evidence, it leads us to the conclusion that Jesus was indeed God. It is the easiest explanation for the evidence we have regarding His life.
So what about you? Have you put your faith in Jesus? Have you decided to trust His saving work? If so, then you get to walk in the awesome limitless relationship He offers you. It knows no end to its goodness, and it will indeed bring you the peace your heart craves. Don’t delay making the decision for Jesus. Put your faith in Him today.
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