Can you remember back to your first day of class? That was probably a long time ago. But a lot of the time, on your first day of class, you get some sort of a syllabus. That document helps you know what’s expected of you for the class, and also when many of the major assignments are due.
When it comes to the things of God, we have a document too. It’s the Bible. And in it we can see ways that God wants us to live our lives and learn many great things.
One of the things that we see taught in the Bible is relationship with God. Over and over again, we see verses that speak of spending time with God. We see people who spent time in prayer and God’s Prescence. Often, we can see that when a culture or person reads the Bible or scriptures, they are wise, and prosperous.
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. – John 15:7
In today’s verse, we see that it talks about remaining in God. When we remain in His Prescence, we learn about Him. We learn who He is. And in those times we spend with Him, we begin to see God’s nature and character.
So no matter how busy you get, no matter how successful you are, life is really meant to be spent remaining in God. So determine to get to know Him. Determine to know who He is and what He has for you. As you do, you’ll find purpose, meaning and contentment in Him.
Today’s Truth: It’s all about spending time with God.