Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 15:4

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. – John 15:4 (NIV)

We’re busy. Life is busy. You’ve got school, you’ve got family responsibility, friends to talk to, the list goes on. And in the midst of all that, Jesus tell us to remain in Him. And that might feel a little difficult for you to know how to do. How do you spend time with Jesus when life is busy?

For many of us, it’s a matter of priority. We can make time for the things that are important to us. You can squeeze a little time for friends, or some time to talk to your mom. The same is true with your relationship with Jesus. More than likely, you can find somewhere to squeeze Jesus into your daily routine. It might be that you need to pray and ask God how to do it. But if you look, you can probably find some time to remain in Jesus.

Maybe before you fall asleep each night you can talk to Him. Then when you are getting dressed or freshening up for the morning, maybe you can think about a scripture that you like, instead of talking to a friend or watching TV. Maybe you ride the bus or have a car ride during your day. You could use that time to spend reading your Bible. If you make it a priority, you can find time to remain in Jesus during the day.

Why should you do this? Because remaining in Him will be the thing that will fulfill you like nothing else. As you remain in Him, you get wisdom, insight and understanding. Remaining in Jesus shouldn’t feel like a chore. Instead, if you’ll let it, it can be an exciting adventure of learning more about God.

So today, ask God to help you prioritize your time so that you can remain in Him. You’ll be glad that you put the effort in to remain in Him.

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