Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 14:16

Have you ever gone through something really tough? Maybe all your friends decided to not be nice to you anymore and spread rumors about you. Perhaps your family is going through a divorce, and things are really difficult. Where do you turn? How do you keep your head on straight when the things of life don’t go as you planned and life is really tough?

Let’s take a look at John 14:16.

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. – John 14:16 (NLT)

The footnote in my Bible says that advocate could also be comforter. Isn’t that good news? Even when it might feel like all our earthly friends have left us, we have a comforter from God, the Holy Spirit. He’s there to help us in life.

There have been times when I haven’t understood why something happened. After spending time in prayer, the Holy Spirit often has shown me a way to understand what I was going through. That’s what He’s there to do. He helps comfort you in ways that only He can.

Today’s Truth: God gave us the Holy Spirit to be our comforter.

So today, if you’re going through something really difficult, don’t be discouraged. The Holy Spirit is your comforter. Go ask Him for help and comfort to get through this season.

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