But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. – John 1:12 (NLT)
God loves us so much that He gives us the right to become His children. That’s good news. Even in those times where we don’t feel like we fit in with our friends, we know that we are loved by God.
God accepted us and loved us, even when we were far away from Him and enemies. And not only did He love us, but He gave us the right to be in His family.
That means that you’re accepted. Even if it seems like others don’t get you or understand you. In Jesus, you belong.
Don’t believe the lie that you don’t matter or that you’re not important. You have value because God values you. Your life is important and you matter.
Today, determine to see the value that God places on you. Realize that you are important to Him and he loves you in a deep and forever way!