“But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. – Jeremiah 17:7 (NLT)
Confidence is a strange thing, isn’t it? Sometimes you have days when you really feel confident, and then there are days when you feel so incompetent and insecure. When talking about confidence, it’s easy to think that if you are dating the right person, or friends with the right people, or wear the right things then you’ll be confident. Or perhaps you think if you make the right team, get the right part in the play then you’ll be really confident.
The thing is that when confidence is built upon people, circumstances, or things, that confidence can be easily shaken. Confidence built on anything other than God, will cause you to be shaken when difficulty comes.
The best way to have lasting confidence is to build your confidence in God. God says in today’s verse that we are blessed when we trust in the Lord and when we make Him our hope and confidence.
Confidence that is lasting and secure finds it’s foundation in God. When God and what the Bible says about you becomes your confidence, then you’ll be able to face anything that comes your way.

Today, choose to build confidence in God. When you do, you’ll have a confidence that will last.