In yesterday’s verse, we saw that God created people. And because people are created, they’re special to God. God loves people and wants to have a relationship with them.
As followers of God, that means that we should treat others with respect because all people are created by God, and as His creations, they are important and special to Him.
But now, this is what the LORD says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. – Isaiah 43:1 (NIV)
Yes, there are going to be people that you don’t agree with. Some people will make you mad and others you just might not understand. Yet even in the midst of the frustration others cause us, all people have value. Not because they do or say the right things, but because God created them with value.
Today’s Truth: We can love others because they were created by God and have value.
Some of the people might not know Jesus yet, and so they’re just downright mean. Others might have accepted Jesus but haven’t let God’s word run their lives. And yet, even if people don’t treat us right, annoy us, or simply think so differently than us, as Christians, we are called to love them.
We might never agree with them. We might never think the same as they do, but we can still treat them with dignity and respect. Why? Because to God, they were created and formed by Him.