And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that he is real and that he rewards the faith of those who passionately seek him. – Hebrews 11:6 (TPT)
Do you like playing video games? A few months ago, I installed a game on my phone. I kept playing it over and over again because I loved moving on to the next level of the game. I found it rewarding to unlock a new level of the game and so it kept me engaged. As humans, we are wired to like things that are fun and rewarding.
Have you ever thought about how God finds spending time with you rewarding? The maker of the universe wants to spend time with you. He loves you and wants to get to know you in a deep way. He wants to reveal Himself to you and show you how great He is.
Today’s Truth: God finds spending time with you rewarding!
To get to know God, however, it takes faith. We can’t see God with our eyes or hear Him with our ears. We’ve got to get to know Him on a spirit level. That takes faith because we can’t touch or feel Him. However, once we come to God on the basis of faith, God rewards us. He loves us and wants to make Himself known to us. It’s rewarding to develop a relationship with God.
Today if you haven’t already, set aside some time to get to know God. Get into the Bible and read it for yourself. Get to know God through His word and through prayer. If you dig deep, you’ll find that getting to know God is really rewarding!