then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. – Genesis 2:7 (ESV)
God created people. He loves people. They have so much value to Him, and He loves and treasures each person and sees their potential and value when He looks at them.
God created people. That means people have value to Him.
Today’s Truth: People have value because they were created by God and for a relationship with God.
To treat someone less than God’s best is wrong. The truth is we have all been bought with a price. We all deserved hell but got God’s grace. And because we’ve been forgiven much, it should empower us to love others.
So today, remember you have great value to God. Know that you are created by God for a relationship with Him. Don’t believe a lie that you’re anything less than God’s best.
Also, choose to treat others in light of what God has done for you. Determine to not judge others unfairly because of how they look but instead see their value because of how much they’re worth to God.