Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! And evening passed and morning came, marking the sixth day. – Genesis 1:31 (NLT)
It’s easy to look at the world around us, with all the hate, suffering, disease, and bloodshed, and think, what in the world is going on? It can be really upsetting if you let yourself dwell on all the bad things going on in the world.
However, God tells us in Genesis that He created the world and it was very good. So does that mean that God thinks the hate, disease and all the bad things going on right now in the world are good?

No. After God created the world, Adam sinned. With His sin came a curse on our world. So the bad things we see in the world around us are not God’s best. They’re a result of sin.
The world we see today is not the world as God had created it, perfect and very good. It is a world that has been cursed by sin. The good news is that God promises one day that He will give us a new heaven and a new earth. (2 Peter 3:13)
So when you see hate, disease, and bad things going on in the world don’t let them get you discouraged or cause you to doubt God. Rather realize they’re part of the curse, and know that we have hope in Jesus.