Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Exodus 6:30

Do you ever feel like God can’t use you? Maybe it’s your past that makes you think this. Perhaps you have some huge flaw in your personality and you think that God can’t use you. If you doubt that God can use you, you’re not alone. Moses did the same thing in today’s verse.

But Moses said to the LORD, “Since I speak with faltering lips, why would Pharaoh listen to me?” – Exodus 6:30 (NIV)

Moses asks God why. He’s like I don’t speak well, so why would you use me to talk to Pharoah.

I feel like it’s really easy to doubt that God can use us. When we look at ourselves, we can find so many shortcomings and faults. But here’s the thing, God isn’t looking at our faults. He’s looking at our potential. He can see our potential if we’ll be willing to say yes to what He asks us to do.

If you team up with God, you’ll be unstoppable. So instead of focusing on your faults, focus on God’s ability. And most importantly, don’t doubt God’s ability to use you. Yes, you’re not perfect, but if you’re willing to say yes to God, He can use you.

So today encourage yourself. God can use you. Don’t doubt that fact. God can use you, and He wants to. It’s just up to you to believe that and to say yes to whatever He asks you to do.

Pray: God, I thank you that you want to use me. I determine today to say yes to whatever you ask me to do. I want to be used for you in whatever way you want to use me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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