Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Exodus 33:17

Help! I feel misunderstood…

I can’t tell you how many times it felt like my parents didn’t understand me at all. Time and time again, they didn’t get what I was trying to say. Sometimes, it felt easier to keep to myself than even try to explain to them how I felt.

Maybe you feel that way. Perhaps it’s not your parents, but maybe you feel misunderstood by someone else in your life. Regardless of who it is, being misunderstood is not a fun feeling.

Practically speaking, if you feel misunderstood, a good thing to try to do is not to give up. Don’t give up communicating with that person who isn’t understanding you. It might be tough to keep communicating when you’d rather scream or give up, but it is good to keep communication open and coming.

Finally, know that even if people misunderstand you, Jesus doesn’t. He gets you like no one else can. God created you, and He knows you intimately. He knows and understands, even if the people in your life don’t. Check out this verse.

And the LORD said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.” – Exodus 33:17 (NIV)

God knew Moses by name. He cared about Moses enough to know Him and what he was up to. God cares about you the same way. He knows your name. He knows each and everything about you, and that means He gets you. God gets you. Isn’t that good news?

God loves you, knows you, and wants the best for you. So don’t believe the lie that you’re misunderstood. God understands and will stand by you each and every day.

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