It’s back to school season. You’ve probably got all your new pencils, pens, notebooks, and folders all purchased, and you’re ready to go. And it’s good to get all your supplies, clothes, and gear packed and ready for the new year. But in all your preparations for school, don’t forget to prepare yourself spiritually too.
School can sometimes be a trying time for your faith. You might face peer pressure that makes standing up for truth hard. You might be confronted with messages in your classes that contradict what you know to be true from God’s word.
All that can make keeping your faith strong when you go back to school. That’s where today’s verse should help.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. – Ephesians 6:10 (NIV)
Today’s verse talks about being strong in the Lord. When your faith feels weak when you’re at school, you can rely on God’s strength. You can look to His power to help you.
So as you prep to go back, take some time to prep spiritually too. Memorize good scriptures, and think about truth from God’s word so that when you do go back to friends, and faith challenging messages, you’re able to stand strong for truth this year!
Today’s Truth: You can choose to Stand for Truth This Year