Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Colossians 3:3

For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. – Galatians 3:3

There is this tree stump at the local ice cream place in my town that looks like a sheep. I remember getting out of my car the other day and staring and staring at what looked like a sheep under the tree at the ice cream place. I kept thinking why doesn’t that sheep move? What is it doing over there? Did someone lose it? It took me a few minutes of staring at it to realize that it was only a tree stump. What I thought I saw didn’t exist.

In life, a lot of the time what we see isn’t real. We look at ourselves in the mirror and see someone who is too fat or too shy. Maybe we see someone who struggles at school or battles lust. If we let it, that reflection of ourselves becomes reality to us and makes us feel bad about ourselves.

But what if that reflection of ourselves isn’t real? Yes, you might struggle with sin or schoolwork, but what if that didn’t have to define you? What if God wanted you to see beyond what you see in the mirror and rethink what you saw?

The truth is, God doesn’t look at you and only see shortcomings. God sees you through Jesus. And when He looks at you that way, you are enough. So today, determine to see yourself like God sees you. See your value to God. Realize that you’re important to God’s plan on the earth.

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