It’s not easy being courageous. Fear sometimes seems so real. So how do you stand up and be courageous when you feel like all odds are against you?
Often being courageous won’t make sense to your senses. You might see all the reasons you can’t do what God is calling you to do or go where He’s calling you to do. Yet, if you feel like God has called you, then you’ve got what you need.
Be courageous, and let us show ourselves courageous for the benefit of our people and the cities of our God. And may the LORD do what is good in His sight.” – 2 Samuel 10:12 (AMP)
In today’s Bible verse, we see an army getting ready for battle, and they are choosing to be courageous. That wouldn’t be easy, would it? Think about going to fight someone. That wouldn’t be easy. However, when you know God, courage becomes easier.
As you read through the Bible, you see that God has always loved humankind. God has always provided and come through for the people who trusted Him and loved Him. And the same is true for you. God wants to provide every need you have for the calling He has for you. It’s just up to you to trust Him, and that when He speaks, it’s truth. Regardless of what you feel or see around you if you have a word from God, it has to come to pass in your life!
That’s good news. So encourage yourself today. God loves you, sent His son to die for you, and wants to provide for you in every way. That means you can be courageous, knowing that you’ll have everything you need for the battles that you face.