For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. – 2 Cor 10:12 (KJV)
Have you noticed how few people seem to have true happiness these days? It seems like we are busier than ever, more stressed out than we’ve ever been, and have far less joy than we’ve ever seen.
Why does finding happiness seem so hard?
Often, it’s because we fall into the trap of comparison. It’s so easy to spend hours a day scrolling through pictures of friends and family doing amazing things. And more than likely your life doesn’t even compare to the fun they’re having so you feel upset and like you’re missing out.
The more you compare, the more you’ll feel like your life comes up short. In fact, the Bible tells us that doing this is unwise. So instead of spending hours comparing how many followers you have or how good you play a video game, consider turning those things off and just enjoy spending some time with family or friends.
If you’ve been guilty of being happy based on how you measure up to others, take some time to think. Ask God to show you all the amazing things about you and how you can be thankful for what you have rather than wish you had something different.