Do you ever lay awake at night worrying about things? Maybe you rehearse something that happened to you during the day. Perhaps the trouble in the world and chaos around you makes it hard for you to sleep. Worry is something we all deal with from time to time.
Worry, however, isn’t God’s best for your life. In fact, worry can stem sometimes from pride.
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. – 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
When you’re worried about something, it’s often because you feel that you need to take care of it. Maybe you feel like you need to defend yourself or that you need to work harder to make something happen. As a result, you let cares and worries keep you up at night.
Here’s the thing, taking worries on yourself can be a form of pride. You think that you have to handle things. You might think that if you don’t do it, no one else would. The truth is, however, that there comes a place of trusting God.
You’ve got to trust that He will defend you. You have to trust that He will exalt you. Sometimes, that kind of trust can be hard to do. We think that we need to do more or be more and keep all the plates in our lives spinning. The truth is, we can let go and trust God.
Today’s Truth: Worry can sometimes be a form of pride.
So today, don’t give in to worry. Choose instead to trust God. He has your best interests at heart and loves you unconditionally. Trust Him to help you in every situation you face.