Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. – 1 Peter 4:8 (NIV)
Do you find it’s harder to love others deeply in times like these? When things just don’t feel right. When it’s hard to find the food you want and when school is not how you’re used to it.
How do you deal with your brother driving you crazy? Your mom stressed out about not working and missing all your friends and everything that is normal.
It’s hard to be nice and love others when things seem really hard right now.
However, God doesn’t ask us to do something we can’t do. And when it’s hard to love and forgive others, sometimes it’s helpful to remember all the things you’ve been forgiven of.
Remind yourself of how you didn’t deserve God’s love, and yet He freely gave it to you. He forgave you, loved you and rescued you.
So because you’ve been forgiven and loved when you didn’t deserve it, you can begin to forgive and love others around you when they don’t deserve it.
Today choose to love the people in your life. Yes, they might drive you crazy at times, but choose to love them and forgive them. You’ll be glad you did!