It’s easy to love the people who are nice to us. I bet you have no problem loving your best friends. They get you, you get them, and even when you don’t see eye to eye on something, deep down its ok, because you are friends and love each other.
But how about those people who aren’t lovely? What about the bully on the bus who makes everyone feel bad? How do you love them?
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. – 1 John 4:7 (NIV)
Today’s Bible verse gives us some help. It tells us that love comes from God. When we look to God as the source of our love, loving other people becomes easier. We begin to realize that we don’t have to love them in our own ability, but we can look to God for His help and His love to love those mean people.
Knowing that God gives us the love to love difficult people is helpful. Then you’re not trying to love them by yourself, but relying on God’s help.
So if there’s a person that is really unloveable in your life, ask God for help. Ask for wisdom in how to deal with that person. Ask Him to help you love them with God’s love.

LaDarian T
February 3, 2022 at 12:06 pmThank you! I have been doing these daily student devotions, and they have really been giving structure daily!
I am a student pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree Program – and this really relates to my life now!
I thought about this devotion – “To love the unloveable” – who are the unloveable in our life? If we don’t see eye to eye with our friends, whom we love, are they the unloveable? Or are people who are homeless the unloveable? People who aren’t Christians the unloveable?