The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. – 1 John 3:8 (NIV)
Jesus coming to the world meant good news. Ever since Adam decided to disobey God and sin, humankind had been stuck in sin. Our sin kept us from enjoying eternal life with God.
That’s the reason for Jesus. We couldn’t fulfill the law. There was no way we could ever keep all the commandments and be good enough in our own strength. For that very reason, God sent Jesus to be the solution to the problem that we created.
Most of us would never do something like that for someone else. If someone we knew messed something up really bad, most of the time we would never think of helping to be solution to the mess. But that’s what Jesus did for us. He became the solution to the problem that we had. And it was when we didn’t even deserve it.
That’s how great the love of God is to us. That means that even when you don’t like things about yourself, you have value. It means that in the midst of all the bad things happening to you and around you, you are loved by God.
Today’s Truth: Even When You Don’t Like Yourself, you have value to God.
So remember this Christmas that Jesus became the solution to the problem that we created. He did it willingly because He loves us so much!