Have you ever watched a movie where it seemed like the bad guys were winning? Regardless of how the good guys tried, it seemed as if they were never going to win. Then at the end of the movie, the good guys end up coming up with a sneaky plan that tricked the bad guys and made it so the good guys won.
Today’s Bible verse reminds me a little of a movie plot like that.
The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God. – 1 Corinthians 1:18 (NLT)
It seemed as if the bad guy (devil/sin) had been winning for a long time. However, God had a plan. To the devil and the world it seemed like foolishness. But God’s plan was amazing. By sending Jesus, He made way for a permanent solution for sin.
The cross was the power of God. It was God’s way to deal with sin and all the things that bound us once and for all. And while it seemed for a moment that the devil had won, God had a plan from the beginning of time. It cost Him everything to send His son, but He did it because we were worth it to Him.
And while serving a God that would do such a thing might seem like foolishness to the people in the world, to believers, the cross is everything. It’s the symbol of our freedom in Christ.
Today’s Truth: We are free in Jesus!
So today, take some time to thank God for sending Jesus. In God’s wisdom, He sent Jesus the solution to our sin problem. Be grateful and thankful that you are free in Him!