Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 5:37

 Over the last few days, we’ve been looking at evidence that Jesus presented as proof for being the son of God. Jesus knew that saying these things would have gotten Him eventually killed by the leaders of His time. So Him presenting this evidence would be very strange if it were not indeed the truth.

Also, it would be very difficult to get all this evidence to agree, if Jesus were not sent by God. So the most likely explanation for all the evidence that Jesus presents in this passage is that Jesus is indeed the son of God.

And the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me. You have never heard his voice nor seen his form – John 5:37 (NIV)

Here we see Jesus presenting the next evidence for who He is. He says that the Father testifies concerning Jesus. Now Jesus might be able to say He’s the son of God, He might be able to convince His cousin that He was the son of God, maybe He could fake some miracles, but as He presents more and more proof, it continually becomes harder to doubt Jesus’ divinity.

When Jesus was baptized, God himself spoke and said that He was God’s son. So God Himself spoke to the fact that Jesus was the son of God. God said that Jesus was His son. So we have to believe this testimony as well.

Today’s Truth: God Himself testified that Jesus was God.

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