Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – John 15:1

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. – John 15:1 (NIV)

When I go biking along the trail near my house, there’s a lot of greenery growing. As I ride I can see ivy and vines going up the trees near the trail. And honestly, I’ve never really given any thought to vines and how they grow. Today’s verse, however, really got me thinking about vines. Why?

Because Jesus refers to himself as the true vine. If He is the true vine, maybe that means that there are fake vines too.

So what would a fake vine be? I think it’s anything we can connect our lives to that isn’t Jesus. Sports could be a fake vine. Money, success, fame could all be fake vines. But Jesus refers to Himself as the true vine. Fake vines might supply fun and excitement for awhile, but eventually connection with a fake vine will come up short.

Jesus is the true vine. He will always be there, supplying you with what you need to do what He calls you to do. Jesus will always be there and will keep you growing strong in Him. It’s in Jesus that you’ll find the contentment that you truly long for. When you sell out to the true vine, you find freedom.

So as you get ready to go into the new year, take some time to think. Have you connected your life to a fake vine? Have you allowed something else to take the place of the true vine, Jesus in your life? If so, it’s easy to make the change. Just determine to make Jesus the priority in your life. As you do, all the other stuff will fall into place.

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